Mar 14, 2025
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Cell and Molecular Biology: Biomedical Health Sciences Concentration (6233), B.S.
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Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Major in Cell and Molecular Biology (6230)
The Cell and Molecular Biology Major is designed for students with career interests in medical, industry, and/or government research, academics, and/or healthcare. Students begin with foundational courses in introductory biology, math, chemistry, and physics. They proceed to advanced core lecture and lab courses in cell biology, microbiology, genetics, and molecular biology delving into details such as DNA and protein structure which are essential for understanding the complex functions of living things. This foundation prepares students for careers on the “cutting edge” of science. As a part of this major, students are encouraged to earn course credit and gain experience doing hands-on research with a faculty mentor. This major has four concentrations allowing students to individualize their education based on specific interests and goals. -
- Cell and Molecular Biology: Biomedical Health Sciences Concentration (6233), B.S.
The completion of a minor is optional for this major. For more information about the Cell and Molecular Biology major, please contact: Department of Biological Sciences 249 Brehm Hall 574 University St Martin, TN 38238 biology@utm.edu 731-881-7171 Concentration in Biomedical Health Science (6233)
The Biomedical Health Science Concentration exists for students who want to work on the front lines of patient care or behind the scenes in a clinical laboratory. This curriculum serves as a platform for those who plan to attend graduate and/ or professional programs in medicine, optometry, and dentistry and allied health fields. The course selections are more prescribed than those of the Cell and Molecular Biology Concentration. This concentration requires a physiology course and four laboratory and six lecture credits in topics with specific healthcare applications such as Immunology, Public Health Microbiology, Virology, Neurobiology, and Endocrinology. Students should work closely with their academic advisers to design their specific course of study. The completion of a minor is optional for this major. The major is composed of the following broad areas of coursework: General Education | 38 hours | Bachelor of Science Requirements | 11-14 hours | Major Core Requirements | 13 hours | Concentration Core Requirements | 37-38 hours | Concentration Elective Requirements | 3 hours | Unrestricted electives to reach 120 hours | 14-18 hours | Minor | Optional | TOTAL | 120 hours | Graduation Requirements
Minimum credits required for graduation | 120 credit hours | Minimum credits in upper-division courses | 42 credit hours | Maximum credits in any one subject counted toward graduation | 50 credit hours | General education core requirements | 38 credit hours | Complete a Major | | COURSEWORK REQUIRED FOR THE DEGREE Guidance for choosing general education courses: -
BIOL 130 Foundations of Biology: Ecology, Evolution, and Diversity (4 credit hours) -
BIOL 140 Foundations of Biology: Cell and Molecular (4 credit hours) If a student does not take the recommended courses for satisfying the biological and physical systems and mathematics general education requirements, he/she may need to complete additional credit hours to complete the degree. Bachelor of Science Requirements Guidance for choosing courses to meet the B.S. Laboratory Science Requirement:
The department recommends that students complete the following courses to satisfy 8 hours of Biological and Physical Systems as required for the BS degree: Choose one of the following courses: AND take: If a student does not take the recommended courses for satisfying the Laboratory Science Bachelor of Science requirements, he/she may need to complete additional credit hours to complete the degree. Where an honors course exists equivalent to any course listed above, that honors course will automatically substitute for the listed course. A student may use any combination of honors and regular versions of the respective courses in a given sequence. Major in Cellular and Molecular Biology with a concentration in Biomedical Health Science (53-54 credit hours)
Program-Specific Degree Requirements -
No more than 4 credit hours of Research Participation (BIOL 451-454) may be counted towards the major. -
BIOL 130 , BIOL 140 , CHEM 121 , CHEM 122 are prerequisites to upper division courses needed for this degree. The department recommends that a student use these courses to satisfy the university-wide general education and Bachelor of Science requirements. A grade of C or better in these courses is required to fulfill prerequisites. Course Requirements
Required Coursework for the major: These courses are required for every concentration in the Cell and Molecular Biology major. The following courses are required for the Cell and Molecular Biology Major, are prerequisites to upper division courses needed for this degree and may also be used to satisfy 19 hours of General Education and Bachelor of Science requirements (as recommended above). Major Core Requirements
These major core courses are required for concentrations in this major except in those concentrations where complementary courses are completed at participating institutions (Pharmaceutical Science and Medical Laboratory Science): (13 credit hours) Concentration in Biomedical Health Science
Concentration Core Requirements: These concentration core courses are required for the Biomedical Health Science concentration: (37-38 hours) Laboratory Experience (Choose 4 credit hours from):
Complete 6 additional credit hours from:
Concentration Elective Requirements: (3 hours)
- Complete a minimum of 3 additional credits from upper division courses offered by the Department of Biological Sciences, Biochemistry (BCHE) or approved courses.
A. Completion of a Minor and/or Unrestricted Electives Students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours for graduation. The completion of a minor is optional for this major. However, students are free to complete minors to complement their majors (such as the Neuroscience Minor) or enhance their career goals. Alternatively, unrestricted elective courses may be used to address prerequisites for graduate or professional programs (such as ZOOL 251, which is a prerequisite for ZOOL 352), certificates, or other micro-credentials as offered by programs across the university. Students should work closely with their advisers to make sure they meet all requirements for graduation, especially the 42 upper division hour requirement. |
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