DRAFT - 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 09, 2025  
DRAFT - 2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog

Fees, Expenses, Financial Assistance and Scholarships

Financial Information

Stacey Jackson, Bursar
248 Clement Hall
fax 731-881-7813

Fees and tuition are established in June by the Board of Trustees in conjunction with legislative action which determines the annual appropriation to the institution. Any changes from the fees and expenses detailed here will be available prior to registration for the semester to which a student applies. The general fees in effect for 2024-2025, are as follows, and are subject to change.

Fees and Expenses

*Check the Web at www.utm.edu/bursar for revisions to fees and expenses. The amounts below are estimates.

Campus Fees:

Maintenance Fee (In-state Fee) - Undergraduate Fee Per Semester $4,401
Programs & Services Fee - Undergraduate Fee Per Semester $664
Technology Fee - Undergraduate Fee Per Semester $125
Facility Fee - Undergraduate Fee Per Semester $75
Media Fee Per Semester (Fall and Spring Only) $15
Total In-State Undergraduate Full-Time Fees Per Semester $5,280
Additional Tuition for Domestic Out-of-State Students Per Semester $3,020
Additional Tuition for International Out-of-State Students Per Semester. $3,020

Online Fees (12 hours or more):

Online Courses fees - In-state (per credit hour) $445
Online Courses fees - Domestic Out-of-state (per credit hour) $484
Online Courses fees - International Out-of-state (per credit hour) $484

(See Residency Regulations  in the section of university catalog titled Undergraduate Admission Procedures and Requirements.)

Part-Time Student

Any regular undergraduate student who enrolls for fewer than 12 academic hours is a part-time student.

Optional Hourly Rate

In lieu of the above charges for Maintenance Fee (In-state Fee), Programs, Facilities and Technology Fees (and tuition for out-of-state students), part-time students pay fees computed by the semester hour credit (or audit) as follows:

Campus Fees (enrolled in less than 12 hours):

Maintenance Fee (In-state Fee) Per Hour $367 per semester hour
Programs & Services Fee Per Hour $55per semester hour
Technology Fee Per Hour $11 per semester hour
Facility Fee Per Hour $6 per semester hour
Total In-State Undergraduate Hourly Fee $439 per semester hour
Additional Tuition for Domestic Out-of-State Students Per Hour $252 per semester hour
Additional Tuition for International Out-of-State Students Per Hour $252 per semester hour

Online Fees (cost per credit hour):

Students who are enrolled for online undergraduate courses are assessed additional fees at $445 per credit hour (in-state), or $484 per credit hour (domestic out-of-state), or $484 per credit hour (international out-of-state) if enrolled in 12+ hours as detailed at www.utm.edu/bursar under Fee Schedule.

Undergraduate Application Fee: $30 (plus additional processing fee for international students)

Each initial application for admission must be accompanied by a fee of $30 before it will be processed. This fee is not refundable.

Late Registration Service Fee: $50

Students who register for classes after the first official day of classes for the semester will be assessed the late registration fee. Such a charge also applies to late payment of other charges past due. This fee is not refundable.

Course Change Fee: $25 per course

A fee of $25 per course will be assessed for courses dropped after the official late registration period. This fee is not refundable and does not apply to students who withdraw from the university.

Audit Fee/Special Fee Policy for Totally Disabled and/or Senior Citizens

Fees for courses being audited are the same as those taken for credit. For information concerning the special fee policy for totally disabled who wish to enroll in courses for non-credit or credit, contact the Accessibility Resource C (731-881-7605). For information concerning the special fee policy for persons 60 years or older who wish to enroll in courses for non-credit or credit, contact the Bursar’s office (731-881-7828).

Laboratory Fee/Academic Enrichment Fee/Other Course Related Fees

Students enrolling in classes within the following units/areas are subject to additional fees (such as academic enrichment, lab, supply, or other fees). These fees assess per course per semester.

Department of Agriculture, Geosciences and Natural Resources Academic Enrichment Fee $20-300
College of Business and Global Affairs Academic Enrichment Fee $10/credit hour
Department of Educational Studies EPP Fee $35/credit hour
College of Engineering and Natural Sciences (courses with labs) Laboratory Fee $15-30
Biology 475 (675) Academic Enrichment Fee $125
Department of Visual and Theatre Arts Art Studio Supply Fee $35-100
Department of Health and Human Performance–Physical Activity Course Fee $15-$3,000
Department of Family and Consumer Sciences Academic Enrichment Fee $20-150
Reelfoot Lake Field Station Reelfoot Lake Field Station Fee $75
Student Teaching Student Teaching Placement Fee $200

Music Fee (For Individual Instruction in Music)

Per Semester:
  One-half hour lesson weekly $80
  One hour lesson weekly $150

Payment Plan Enrollment Fee: $30

Late Fee on Payment Plan: $50 of the installment due

Although fees, rent and other university expenses are due and payable at the beginning of each semester (prior to the next semester if the student has registered in advance), eligible students may request a payment plan. Current maintenance fee (in-state fee), out-of-state tuition, programs and services, facility, technology, publications fee, course related fees, full semester dorm or apartment rent and meal plans are the only charges that can be deferred. The first deferment payment (one-fourth of deferrable balance after all financial aid is applied plus the service fee) is due on the published fee payment deadline (www.utm.edu/bursar).

Monthly apartment rent for University Courts is NOT deferrable in a payment plan.

Prior term charges are not deferrable. Current financial aid funds may NOT be used to pay prior term charges in most cases. The Bursar’s Office can be of assistance in determining repayment options.

Accounts due the university in addition to fees, rent, etc., may be paid at registration time. Students are responsible for advising cashiers at the time of registration of any charges levied in error and of any omissions such as residence hall rent or meal plan. Failure to notify the cashier and make payment constitutes a delayed payment subject to the service fee.

For spring and fall semesters, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th payments of the payment plan are due on the 15th of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th month of each semester. See www.utm.edu/bursar for payment plan details. For summer semester, the deferred charge is due no later than July 10. If the payment plan is not paid by the due date, $50 late fee will be added.

Students owing only the fourth installment of their payment plan will be allowed to schedule for the upcoming term. If the fourth installment of the Spring or Fall payment plan or the second payment of the Summer payment plan is not paid within two business days after the due date, the student’s classes for the upcoming term will be automatically dropped.

Students must set up the deferment and make the first payment online in Banner Self-Service (Student Records, Request Deferment of Fees, & Online Payments and Deposits).

Billing Statements

Current students will be billed electronically by e-mail.  Students may log into Touchnet and print a Real Time Statement at any time.

Student Identification Card - Initial Issue: No Charge

Each student at his/her first registration is issued a plastic identification card. The student is expected to retain this ID card during his/her entire enrollment at UT Martin and to have it with him/her at all times for purposes of identification. The card is property of the university and may be reclaimed if used by any person other than the person to whom it was issued.

Lost ID Card Replacement: $25

Loss of an ID card should be reported promptly to the Bursar’s Office Skyhawk Card counter located in the One Stop in Clement Hall. Upon payment of this charge, a replacement card will be issued.

Diploma Fee - First Copy: No Charge

The student is not charged for the first copy of his/her diploma. Additional copies are $15 plus a mailing fee per copy, including diplomas that must be relettered.

Telephone Service

Telephone connections are in each residence hall room. Charges for basic telephone service are included in the residence fee. Students must provide their own telephone instruments.

Bad Check Charges (Not Refundable; all Returned Checks): $30

The charge applies to all checks returned to the university by the appropriate bank for insufficient funds, stop payments, or other legitimate reasons. The writer of the check will be notified immediately at the address that appears on the check. Students with more than one returned check per school year will be required to pay fees and university accounts with cash or a money order for the balance of that school year. Students with more than two returned checks in consecutive school years will be required to pay fees and university accounts with cash or a money order for the balance of their enrollment.


Excess Financial Aid (Loans, Scholarships, Vocational Rehab, any Other Awards)

When a student’s total financial aid exceeds total charges, the excess will be disbursed to the student. The excess aid is calculated based on money received, not money expected. Students can have their refunds deposited directly into their bank account by signing up for e-refunds as detailed at www.utm.edu/bursar.

Financial Aid Recipients

Financial aid recipients must successfully complete two-thirds of their attempted hours, not to exceed 180 attempted hours, in order to maintain satisfactory academic progress toward their degree. Students who do not successfully complete two-thirds of their attempted hours may request an appeal to have their financial aid reinstated. UT Martin’s full satisfactory academic progress policy as well as the appeal form can be located on the Web at www.utm.edu/SAP.

Dropping Hours (Continue with a Reduced Class Load)

When a student decreases the number of hours attempted during a term to less than a full course load (12 hours if campus courses), charges for these hours will be calculated based upon the official drop day as presented to Bursar’s Office from the Office of Academic Records. Charges for the dropped hours will be calculated as follows:

Calendar Days of Term % Charged % Refund
Day 1-7 no charge 100%
Day 8-14 no charge 100%
Day 15-21 40% 60%
Day 22-28 60% 40%
Day 29-end of term 100% 0%

Refunds of tuition are based on the fees charged, not the amount paid. If the student is receiving financial aid, refunds will be returned to the financial aid accounts, including lenders of student loans, before any money is returned to the student. Credit balances from all sources of the university, with the possible exception of Title IV funds, will be applied to outstanding charges before a refund is issued.

Withdrawing (Dropping all Classes)

Withdrawing from school for any reason during any term must be made by submitting a request to withdraw in Banner Self-Service. Failure to attend classes does not cancel enrollment. The date of the withdrawal is one factor used to determine the amount of fees to be returned. Other factors include whether or not a student is receiving Title IV financial aid and whether unpaid charges (total institutional costs minus the sum of total aid paid to institutional costs and cash paid by the student) remain on the student’s account. The institutional refund percentages will be used to calculate charges on hours dropped (tuition, fees and room):

Calendar Days of Term % Charged % Refund
Day 1-7 no charge 100%
Day 8-14 no charge 100%
Day 15-21 40% 60%
Day 22-28 60% 40%
Day 29-end of term 100% 0%

Refunds of tuition are based on the fees charged, not the amount paid. If the student is receiving financial aid, refunds will be returned to the financial aid accounts, including lenders of student loans, before any money is returned to the student. Credit balances from all sources of the university, with the possible exception of Title IV funds, will be applied to outstanding charges before a refund is issued.

Summer school term is shorter than fall and spring and the summer term is divided into sessions. Therefore, charges for hours dropped (or withdrawals) will be calculated on the following basis:

Maymester 1st Session 2nd Session Full Term % Charged % Refund
Day 1-2 1-4 1-4 1-7 no charge 100%
Day 3-4 5-7 5-7 8-14 no charge 100%
Day 5-6 8-11 8-11 15-21 40% 60%
Day 7-8 12-14 12-14 22-28 60% 40%
Day 9-end 15-end 15-end 29-end 100% 0%

Refunds may not be made until two weeks after the close of registration during the regular school year and two weeks after the close of second session summer semester registration.


The student’s institutional charges for the semester total $4,130, which was paid by a personal check. The student withdrew on the sixteenth calendar day following regular registration. The refund would be $2,478.80.

Calculation: Semester rate - [ (# of hours) x (% Charged) x (per hour rate) ]= Refund
  $4,130 - [ (12) x (40%) x ($344) ] = $2,478.80

The federal refund calculation policy will be used for students who have attended classes at UT Martin and are receiving Title IV financial aid. Under this refund policy, withdrawals on the first day of classes will permit a 100% refund of institutional charges (fees, tuition, room and board, with no allowance for deposit or consumption on room and board). Withdrawals after the first day of classes will be calculated based on the number of days the student completes in the enrollment period.


The student has enrolled at UT Martin and is receiving a federal Pell Grant and loan of $5,525. The institutional charges are $4,130. The student withdrew on the 15th day of the enrollment period. The enrollment period is 110 days in length (15/110 =13.6% completed days). The refund percent will be 86.4%. Therefore, $4,130 x 86.4% = $3,568.32 will be returned to the federal loan or Pell accounts.

Confirmation of Enrollment

All students must settle accounts with the Bursar’s Office and complete the registration for courses before attending classes. Students who have an outstanding balance and have not made payment arrangements or paid in full by the deadline date are at risk of their classes being dropped for non-payment. Students who have accepted financial aid awards will be able to make arrangements for the remaining amount owed after their financial aid is credited to their account. All charges are subject to subsequent audit. Errors will be corrected by refund or additional charge. Personal checks (see “Bad Check Charges”).

Delinquent Charge Holds

The university is authorized by statute to withhold diplomas, grades, and registration privileges from any student until debts and obligations owed to the university are satisfied. The university is also authorized by statute to withhold transcripts from any student that did not have Title IV financial aid and owes a balance. 


Any question regarding a student’s financial account due the university should be directed to the Bursar in the One Stop in Clement Hall. In the event a student does not feel that the amount in question is correct, he/she may appeal the matter to university officials in the following order: (1) Bursar, (2) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration and (3) Chancellor. As circumstances warrant, other officials may be contacted for assistance and information.

Financial Aid Repayment - Withdrawals

Any financial aid recipient who withdraws from the university prior to completing 60% of the term may have to repay to the appropriate financial aid account(s) a portion of financial aid funds received.


Fall 2024 Institutional Refund Percents for Tuition

Full Term - 08/26/24 - 12/06/24
     08/26 - 09/03/24          100%
     09/04 - 09/12/24          100%
     09/13 - 09/23/24          60%
     09/24 - 10/02/24          40%

Part of Term 2 - 08/26/24 - 10/11/24
     08/26 - 08/28/24          100%
     08/29 - 09/02/24          100%
     09/03 - 09/05/24          60%
     09/06 - 09/10/24          40%

Part of Term 3 - 10/16/24 - 12/06/24  
     10/16 - 10/18/24          100%
     10/19 - 10/23/24          100%
     10/24 - 10/28/24          60%
     10/29 - 10/31/24          40%

Part of Term 4 - 08/26/24 - 09/27/24   
     08/26 - 08/27/24          100%
     08/28 - 08/30/24          100%
     08/31 - 09/04/24          60%
     09/05 - 09/06/24          40%

Part of Term 5 - 09/30/24 - 11/01/24
09/30 - 10/01/24          100%
     10/02 - 10/04/24          100%
     10/05 - 10/09/24          60%
     10/10 - 10/11/24          40%

Part of Term 6 - 11/04/24 - 12/06/24   
11/04 - 11/05/24          100%
     11/06 - 11/08/24          100%
     11/09 - 11/13/24          60%
     11/14 - 11/15/24          40%             

Spring 2025 Institutional Refund Percents for Tuition

Full Term - 01/09/25 - 04/25/25
     01/09 - 01/17/25          100%
     01/18 - 01/28/25          100%
     01/29 - 02/06/25          60%
     02/07 - 02/17/25          40%

Part of Term 2 - 01/09 - 02/28/25
     01/09 - 01/13/25          100%
     01/14 - 01/17/25          100%
     01/18 - 01/22/25          60%
     01/23 - 01/28/25          40%

Part of Term 3 - 03/03 - 04/25/25
03/03 - 03/05/24          100%
     03/06 - 03/11/25          100%
     03/12 - 03/14/25          60%
     03/15 - 03/19/25          40%

Part of Term 4 - 01/09 - 02/11/25
     01/09 - 01/13/25          100%
     01/14 - 01/17/25          100%
     01/18 - 01/22/25          60%
     01/23 - 01/24/25          40%

Part of Term 5 - 02/12 - 03/14/25
02/12 - 02/14/25          100%
     02/15 - 02/20/25          100%
     02/21 - 02/24/25          60%
     02/25 - 02/26/25          40%

Part of Term 6 - 03/17 - 04/25/25
03/17 - 03/19/25          100%
     03/20 - 03/25/25          100%
     03/26 - 03/27/25          60%
     03/28 - 03/31/25          40%  


Financial Aid and Scholarships

Jana Cox - Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships

Clement Hall

Financial Aid Repayment / Student Financial Assistance

The University of Tennessee at Martin offers financial assistance to students based on need and academic achievement. To determine student need, the university utilizes the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which takes into consideration certain factors relating to family financial status.

Three basic types of financial aid are made available by the university: (1) scholarships/grants, (2) loans and (3) part-time employment. Some funds for grants and loans are provided through programs sponsored by the federal and state governments. To receive federal and/or state financial assistance, students must be admitted as a regular student, seeking a degree and maintaining satisfactory academic progress. Federal financial aid is calculated based on the credit hours of courses that a student is taking that are required for his/her degree program. Students are strongly encouraged to visit the financial aid homepage at utm.edu/departments/finaid/ to review the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy and other rules and regulations regarding financial aid.

Application for financial assistance, except for Army ROTC Scholarships, should be made by completing an Application for Admission and a FAFSA. The FAFSA is completed online at studentaid.gov. The school code for UT Martin is 003531. To receive priority consideration for the coming year, the FAFSA should be processed by January 17.

The Federal Pell Grant and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) programs are reserved for undergraduate students seeking their first bachelor’s degree. Students who have completed undergraduate degree requirements must not accept Pell Grant and/or FSEOG funds. Failure to begin attendance in one or more classes may cause a reduction in financial aid. Students who have completed the requirements for a bachelor’s degree are no longer eligible to receive federal or state grants.

Scholarship Awards

Scholarships are awarded based on high scholastic achievement, financial need, character and leadership ability. Scholarships are available in most major areas of study but some are restricted to certain localities, others to certain curricula. Scholarships vary in amounts ranging up to $5,000. In many cases, one-half of the amounts are paid each semester at registration. All students are urged to use the Aviator, our online scholarship manager, to apply for our donor-funded scholarships. To access the Aviator, go to www.utm.edu/aviator.

Incoming Freshmen, Four-Year Merit Scholarships

Chancellor Scholarship

  • $4,000 per year/ $16,000 for four years, effective Fall 2024
  • Average academic criteria: ACT 29/Average GPA 3.90 (The qualifying academic criteria used to award this scholarship is based on a combination of the ACT score and high school GPA). Please use Scholarship Chart to inquire about eligibility. 
  • Continuation requirements: Students must be enrolled full time and maintain a 2.75 minimum cumulative GPA, checked at the end of each spring semester.
  • Chancellor’s scholarship recipients are eligible to enroll in honors courses.
  • Chancellor’s scholarship recipients will be eligible for a one-time travel study stipend of $2,500 to apply toward a University-approved travel experience while enrolled at UT Martin.
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application
  • Priority Deadline: February 1
  • Out-of-state students will also receive a waiver to cover out-of-state fees (additional estimated value: $6,040 per year/$24,160 for four years)

Dean Scholarship

  • $3,000 per year/ $12,000 for four years
  • Average academic criteria: ACT 26/Average GPA 3.85 (The qualifying academic criteria used to award this scholarship is based on a combination of the ACT score and high school GPA). Please use Scholarship Chart to inquire about eligibility. 
  • Continuation requirements: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student, and Complete required courses
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application
  • Deadline: February 1
  • Out-of-state students eligible for the Dean’s Scholarship will also receive the Voyager Out-of-State Scholarship.

Excellence Scholarship

  • $1,500 per year /$6,000 for four years
  • Average academic criteria: ACT 24/Average GPA 3.80 (The qualifying academic criteria used to award this scholarship is based on a combination of the ACT score and high school GPA)
  • Continuation requirements: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application
  • Deadline: February 1
  • Out-of-state students eligible for the Excellence Scholarship will also receive the Voyager Out-of-State Scholarship.

Achieve Scholarship

  • $1000 per year /$4,000 for four years
  • Average academic criteria: ACT 21/Average GPA 3.20 (The qualifying academic criteria used to award this scholarship is based on a combination of the ACT score and high school GPA)
  • Continuation requirements: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student
  • How to Apply: Your UT Martin admission application
  • Deadline: February 1
  • Out-of-state students eligible for the Achieve Scholarship will also receive the Voyager Out-of-State Scholarship.

University Scholars Program

  • $2,500 per year/$10,000 for four years
  • Scholarship is combined with the Chancellor’s Scholarship for a total award of $5,500 per year/$22,000 for four years.
  • Qualifying criteria: 28 ACT/3.5 GPA
  • Selective scholarship
  • Thirty students selected by program directors are allowed into the program each year with a maximum of 120 students in the program at one time
  • Continuation requirements: must have a 3.3 GPA at the end of spring semester; participate in a special ten-semester hour curriculum for University Scholar students; and be active in extra-curricular activities including group community service, cultural activities, and service to the student organization.
  • Students who successfully complete the program graduate with the distinction of “University Scholar”
  • How to Apply: Must turn in a University Scholars Application and attend the Scholars Prospect Weekend
  • Deadline: December 1

Harold Conner Scholarship

  • $2,000 per year/$8,000 for four years
  • Selective scholarship
  • To be considered, students must be a Tennessee resident, have a minimum ACT of 21 and a 3.25 high school grade point average
  • Continuation requirements: must have a 3.0 GPA at the end of each spring semester
  • Recipients must be full time students and participate in seminars and attend lectures with distinguished campus visitors
  • The Admissions Office, in conjunction with Financial Aid and Scholarships Office, will make the selection from eligible candidates
  • Awards will be made on the basis of the high school academic and leadership record and ACT score
  • Preference will be given to students from underrepresented groups.
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application
  • Deadline: February 1

Other Four-Year Scholarships

Voyager Out-of-State Scholarship

  • *$5,000 per year/$20,000 for four years
  • First-time freshmen must have a 20 ACT (or SAT equivalent) and 3.0 high school GPA
  • Continuation requirements: Must be a full-time student and remain in good standing
  • Must be paying out-of-state fees
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application

Music Scholarship

  • $300 - $1000 per year
  • Awarded by audition to students regardless of major
  • Renewable each academic year

Band Scholarship

  • $300 - $1000 per year
  • Awarded by audition to students regardless of major
  • Renewable each academic year

Army R.O.T.C. Scholarship

  • The U.S. Army offers four, three, and two-year scholarships to qualified men and women on a merit basis. They pay for tuition and fees (or room and board), books, and related academic expenses.
  • A tax free subsistence allowance of approximately $3,000-$5,000 per year is provided to students who enroll in the advance course or for each year an ROTC scholarship is in effect.
  • UT Martin provides $5,000/year dormitory scholarships to recipients of the ROTC scholarships.

Transfer Scholarships

Elam Transfer Scholarship

  • $2,000 per year for up to three years
  • Completed 12+ credit hours
  • Eligibility criteria: 3.5 cumulative transfer GPA
  • Tennessee resident
  • Renewal criteria: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student
  • Qualifying students are allowed only one transfer scholarship
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application

Elam Transfer, Advance

  • $1,750 per year for up to three years
  • Completed 12+ credit hours
  • Eligibility criteria: 3.25 - 3.49 cumulative transfer GPA
  • Tennessee resident
  • Renewal criteria: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student
  • Qualifying students are allowed only one transfer scholarship
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application

Elam Transfer, Achieve

  • $1,500 per year for up to three years
  • Completed 24+ credit hours
  • Eligibility criteria: 3.00 - 3.24 cumulative transfer GPA
  • Tennessee resident
  • Renewal criteria: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student
  • Qualifying students are allowed only one transfer scholarship
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application

Voyager Transfer Out-of-State 

  • $5,000 per year for up to three years (proposed)
  • Out-of-State transfer students must be regularly admitted with 12+ transfer hours and a 2.0 cumulative GPA
  • Must be a full-time student and remain in good standing
  • How to apply: Your UT Martin admission application

Phi Theta Kappa

  • $1,000 per year/$2,000 for two years
  • Eligibility criteria: 3.0 cumulative transfer GPA with 24+ completed credit hours, must be an active member of Phi Theta Kappa
  • Renewal criteria: 2.75 GPA at the end of each spring semester, remain a full time student

State Lottery Scholarship

Tennessee Education Lottery HOPE Scholarship (TLS)

The Hope Lottery Scholarship is available to Tennessee residents graduating from an eligible Tennessee high school. Students must be admitted to and enroll at least half-time in an eligible Tennessee postsecondary institution no later than 16 months following graduation from high school, home school, or GED program. Students must have a minimum 3.0 high school GPA or a 21 ACT, home school students must have a minimum 21 ACT and GED students must have a minimum 525 GED score and a 21 ACT. ACT scores are from National or State Test dates and must be attained before the student enrolls in postsecondary education. The FAFSA is required each year for the Hope Lottery Scholarship and must be completed by September 1 for Fall and February 1 for Spring or Summer. Students are encouraged to apply by March 1 of each year. Currently, the awards range up to $5,700 for fall/spring and $2,850 for summer for students who first received the Lottery Scholarship Fall 2009 and after. In addition to the Hope Scholarship those students who have a minimum 3.75 weighted GPA and a 29 ACT can qualify for the General Assembly Merit Scholarship (TLSM). This is a supplement to the Hope Scholarship and students must meet the regular Hope requirements to be eligible. The awards range up to $1,000. Those students who meet certain income requirements as determined by the FAFSA may qualify for the Aspire Award (TLSN). Awards range up to $1,500. Students can receive either the Merit Award or the Aspire but not both. For additional information regarding Tennessee Lottery Scholarship requirements, visit www.tn.gov/collegepays.


Federal PELL Grant (PELL)

The Federal Pell Grant Program is available to undergraduate students seeking their first bachelor’s degree. The grants are based on a federal formula which measures the ability of the students and his/her family to meet educational expenses. The form used to determine eligibility for all aid programs is the FAFSA. The FAFSA is completed online at studentaid.gov. Grants range up to $6495. Students can receive the Federal Pell Grant for no more than 12 full-time semesters or the equivalent.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program (FSEOG)

FSEOG is a campus-based grant program awarded to undergraduate students with exceptional financial need. Priority is given to Pell Grant recipients.

Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH)

The TEACH Grant provides up to $4,000 per year to students who intend to teach in a public or private Title I elementary or secondary school in a high-need field. To be eligible for the TEACH Grant, students must complete the FAFSA each year, be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen, be enrolled in course work that is necessary to begin a career in teaching, score above the 75th percentile on a college admissions test or maintain a cumulative 3.25 GPA and sign an Agreement to Serve each year. If the student does not fulfill all obligations, all amounts of the TEACH Grants received will be converted to a Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. Students will be assessed interest from the date the grant was disbursed.

Tennessee Student Assistance Award Program (TSAA)

The Tennessee Student Assistance Award Program (TSAA) was established to provide non-repayable financial assistance to financially-needy undergraduate students who are residents of Tennessee. Applicants must be enrolled or accepted for enrollment, at least half-time, at a public or an eligible non-public postsecondary institution in Tennessee. Funds are awarded on a first come, first served basis. To be considered for the TSAA, the student must complete the FAFSA no later than the published deadline date for Tennessee on the FAFSA. Because funds are limited, students are strongly encouraged to apply as soon as possible after October 1 each year. Award amounts vary.


The William D. Ford Direct Loan Program

Students are eligible to borrow under the Direct Loan Program. There are two types of Direct loans, the Subsidized Stafford Loan and the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. With the Subsidized Stafford Loan the interest is paid by the federal government while the student is enrolled at least half-time. With the Unsubsidized Stafford Loan the student is responsible for paying the interest while enrolled in school. Students have the option to allow the interest to accrue; however, at the end of the year the interest is rolled into the principle of the loan. For both loans, repayment begins six months after graduation, withdrawal, or when the student is no longer enrolled at least half-time.

To determine eligibility, a student must apply for financial aid through the FAFSA and be admitted to or enrolled at least half-time as a degree-seeking academically eligible student at the university.

Direct PLUS Loans

PLUS loans are made to graduate or professional students and parents of dependent undergraduate students in order to help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid. Students must be attending at least six (6) credit hours in order to be eligible. Graduate students and parents of dependent students may borrow up to the full cost of education expenses including tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, transportation and living allowance, less any other financial aid the student receives. Repayment typically begins 60 days after the loan is fully disbursed and is paid in full within 10 to 25 years. The FAFSA must be completed in order to process PLUS loans.

Work-Study Program

Federal Work-Study Program

The university participates in the Federal Work-Study Program, a federal government project to make part-time employment opportunities available to students. To be eligible, a student must be accepted for full-time enrollment or be academically eligible if currently enrolled, must be making satisfactory academic progress and prove financial need as a result of completing the FAFSA. The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships (205 Administration Building) recommends that students not work more than 20 hours per week while attending classes. Students are required to successfully interview for positions posted through student employment. Payroll periods are biweekly and students are paid through direct deposit. In addition to providing financial assistance, the work-study program is designed to help the student develop a sense of responsibility and accomplishment as well as certain mechanical skills.

Special State and Federal Laws for Educational Purposes

Elderly and Persons with Disabilities. Tennessee residents who are at least 60 years old may audit classes without payment of fees, if space is available. Tennessee residents who are 65 or older may take courses for credit at reduced rates. Totally disabled persons may be eligible for either option. Verification of age, residency and permanent disability must be provided.

All students who register under these provisions must process the correct paperwork with either the Bursar’s Office (Administration Building 116) or the Office of Disability Services (Clement Hall 208) prior to the deadline for adding courses.

Fee Waiver for Dependents of POW’s, MIA, or Deceased in Combat Veterans

A dependent child or spouse is entitled to a waiver of tuition, maintenance fees, student activity fees and required registration or matriculation fees when a parent or spouse veteran was killed, died as a direct result of injuries received or has been officially reported as being either a prisoner of war or missing in action while serving honorably as a member of the United States armed forces during a qualifying period of armed conflict or was formerly a prisoner of war or missing in action under a qualifying period of armed conflict. All students who register under these provisions must process the correct paperwork with the Bursar’s Office (Administration Building 116).