Bachelor of Science (B.S.) - Major in Chemistry (6310)
The Department of Chemistry and Physics at the University of Tennessee at Martin has a three-fold mission in teaching Chemistry: first, to provide basic instruction to all students at the university in the concepts and methods of this central experimental science within the framework of a traditional liberal education designed to prepare the individual for productive citizenship in the modern world; second, to provide further instruction in basic science as a foundation for those students wishing to pursue professional studies in medicine and the related health sciences; and, third, to provide broadly based opportunities for advanced training for students who wish to pursue careers in chemistry or related professions either upon completion of a bachelor’s degree or following additional advanced study. Faculty are committed to mentoring students and to advancing the professions of chemistry and education through a full range of scholarly activities and service to both the campus and community.
The Department of Chemistry and Physics offers two Bachelor of Science degrees. The B.S. in chemistry (6310) has five concentrations: Chemical Sciences (6311), Pharmaceutical 3 + 1 (6312), Chemical Physics (6313), Health Sciences (6314), and Forensic Science (6315). The traditional Bachelor of Science degree with a major in chemistry and a minor in a second area (biology, mathematics, physics, geosciences, psychology, etc.) provides an excellent background for students planning careers in medicine or one of the other health sciences, in the emerging field of environmental sciences, or in virtually any technically based area. The Bachelor of Science degree certified by the American Chemical Society (6320) has four concentration options, analytical, biochemistry, organic, and computational. Students pursuing any concentration are required to complete general education requirements and the appropriate B.S. requirements.
For more information about the chemistry major, please contact:
Department of Chemistry and Physics
246 Latimer-Smith Engineering and Science Building
203 Hurt Street
Martin, TN 38238
Health Science Concentration (6314)
The Health Sciences Concentration is offered to serve as solid preparation for chemistry majors who wish to pursue medical school, pharmacy school, or dental school. Students majoring in Health Science will meet the requirements for a chemistry degree, as well as a biology minor. A maximum of 3 hours of CHEM 490 may be applied to the major.
Required courses for the concentration include:
General Education Core Curriculum Requirements | 38 credit hours |
Bachelor of Science Requirements | 11 to 14 credit hours |
Major Core Requirements | 28 credit hours |
Concentration Requirements | 32-38 credit hours |
Minor | Included in program hours |
Electives | 2 to 11 credit hours |
TOTAL | 120 credit hours |
Guidance for choosing courses to meet general education and B.S. requirements:
The following courses satisfy general education requirements, are pre-requisites and co-requisites to the chemistry program and/or chemistry courses for the degree: CHEM 102 (4)/CHEM 121 (4), CHEM 122 (4), CHEM 201 (4), CHEM 202 (4),PHYS 111 (4), PHYS 112 (4), PHYS 220 (4), PHYS 221 (4), MATH 110 (4)/MATH 140 (3), and MATH 251 (4).
Where an honors course exists equivalent to any course listed above, that honors course will automatically substitute for the listed course. A student may use any combination of honors and regular versions of the respective courses in a given sequence.
Complete elective hours to achieve 120 credit hours and achieve at least 42 credit hours of upper-division coursework. Elective hours include courses needed for employment, professional, or graduate school.