2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog
Secondary Education: Concentration in Secondary Education - Earth and Space Science (517D), B.S.Ed.
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Bachelor of Science in Education, B.S.Ed. - Major in Secondary Education
A Bachelor of Science in Education degree with a major in Secondary Education is available with thirteen concentrations which can lead to licensure in: - Biology (517A)
- Business Education (517B)
- Chemistry (517C)
- Earth and Space Science (517D)
- Economics (517E)
- English (517F)
- French (517G)
- Geography (517H)
- Government (517I)
- History (517J)
- Mathematics (517K)
- Spanish (517L)
- Special Education - Interventionist 6-12 English concentration (5172)
- Special Education - Interventionist 6-12 Mathematics concentration (5173)
- Special Education - Interventionist 6-12 Science concentration (5174)
- Special Education - Interventionist 6-12 Social Studies concentration (5175)
The education program at UT Martin prepares future teachers with the ability to communicate with, educate, inspire, and guide the students they will have in the classroom through a wide variety of courses geared towards student success and understanding. Through developing specialized concentrations, such as earth and space science, education majors who graduate from UT Martin are ready to teach the next generation of responsible citizens to lead and serve in a diverse world. This program prepares teacher candidates in the secondary education areas taught to meet both the academic and developmental needs of secondary students - addressing content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, interventions, and dispositions appropriate for teaching secondary students. Field experiences are also included in the program so candidates receive real-world experience in a secondary classroom. Teacher licensure is accredited at both the state and national levels through the Tennessee State Board of Education and the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation. General Education | 38 hours | Major Core Requirements | 21 hours | Concentration Courses | 64 hours | Minor (if required) | Optional | Electives (or other program requirements etc.) | NA | TOTAL | 123 hours | Contact the Office of Educational Studies at 731-881-7210. DEGREE REQUIREMENTS - 123 credit hours are required.
- Minimum 30 credit hours completed at The University of Tennessee at Martin
- 36 credits in Upper Division coursework (courses numbered 300-499)
- Minimum 60 credits earned at an accredited four-year institution required.
- A minimum overall GPA of 2.0 is required.
- A minimum institutional GPA of 2.0 is required.
- Must meet all General Education Requirements
- Must meet all Major Requirements
- If a Minor is required, must meet all Minor Requirements
- Must meet all Exit Exam Requirements
- General Education Exam
- Major Field Test / Exit Exam
- If a student is admitted to the University of Tennessee at Martin with documented entrance deficiencies OR is subject to mandatory placement requirements, then the student must meet those requirements.
COURSEWORK REQUIRED FOR THE DEGREE Guidance for choosing general education courses: The program recommends that students take the following courses in the University-Wide General Education Requirements as part of their preparation for licensure: - Chemistry 121 (or Chemistry 101 and 102)
- Chemistry 122
- English 112
- Math 110 or Math 140
- English 250 or English 251 or English 260 or English 261 or English 270 or English 271
- History 201 or History 202
- Psychology 101
- Social Work 220
Note to students: Some degree programs include required courses for the major that are also options within the University-Wide General Education Requirements. If a student completes a course that simultaneously satisfies both a requirement for the major and a requirement for the University-Wide General Education Requirements, then the student may need to complete additional elective coursework in order to meet the minimum number of credit hours required for the degree. Major in Secondary Education: Secondary Education - Earth & Space Science (85 credit hours)
Program-Specific Degree Requirements Admission to the Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Students enrolled in TCED 211/equivalent or TCED 703 will submit a pre-admission application by mid-term of the semester enrolled. The EPP Office will review applications to verify that minimum requirements are met. If a candidate meets the minimum requirements, the candidate will be allowed to enroll in coursework requiring admission. The EPP office will enter a pre-admission code in Banner which allows the candidate to move forward with course registration. If requirements are not met, candidates may submit an appeal for pre-admission. EPP Appeal eligibility criteria and request form are located on the EPP OneSpace home page. Transfer students that have earned credit for TCED 211 or equivalent will be provided pre-admission information during the EPP orientation the first semester enrolled at UT Martin. The EPP Office will notify all pre-admission applicants and their advisor of their acceptance or denial via email. This documentation will be placed in the advisees file for reference. Step 1: Pre-Admission to EPP (Undergraduate) - In order to be pre-admitted, students must meet the following requirements while enrolled in TCED 211/equivalent course: - Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75
- Minimum ACT Super Score of 21or higher or a score of 1080 on SAT
- Minimum grade of C or higher in ENG 111 or 112
- TBI/FBI background check with no indications
- Submit VECHS and Criminal Background Check Release forms
- Receive positive Educational Disposition Assessment (EDA) scores in TCED 211/equivalent course conducted by midpoint of semester each term
The EPP office will schedule an orientation with transfer students prior to beginning of classes to discuss and evaluation/or Pre-Admission status. Step 2: Admission to EPP - To be admitted to EPP, students must meet the following requirements. - Minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 (must be maintained through program completion)
- Minimum grade of C or higher on all education coursework
- Successful completion of an interview*
- Students will be required to request an Admission to EPP interview. This full admission interview must be requested by mid-term of the semester prior to registering for any Residency I/equivalent methods courses in EPP.
- The faculty advisor will be responsible for providing EPP Admission application deadlines to students.
- Additionally, the EPP Office will provide application and deadlines o the One Space site and organize all interview efforts and communication.
- Interviews will be conducted in April and November. To prepare in advance of the interview, candidates will be provided with possible interview questions and the interview rubric upon requesting an interview. The interview will be conducted by an LEA team.
Upon successful completion of the above-mentioned transition points (Steps 1 & 2), candidates will be admitted to the EPP. The EPP will hold a pinning ceremony for all students that meet full admission requirements. A ceremony will be held at the beginning of the term following admission. For example, those interviewing in April will have ceremony in August. Those interviewing in November will have a ceremony in January. Course Requirements
Professional Education (21 hours) - EDFN 400 - Fostering Cultural Competence in the Contemporary Classroom Credit(s): 3
- SPED 300 - Children with Exceptionalities Credit(s): 3
- TCED 211 - Introduction to Teaching Credit(s): 3
- TCED 302 - Integrated Teaching Strategies Credit(s): 3
- TCED 303 - Diagnosis and Evaluation Credit(s): 3
- TCED 305 - Classroom Management Credit(s): 2
- TCED 400 - Residency I Credit(s): 1
- TCED 401 - Residency II Seminar Credit(s): 3
- Students must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program to enroll in EDFN 400, TCED 302, TCED 303, TCED 305, TCED 400, and TCED 401.
- Students must complete EDFN 400, SPED 300, TCED 211, TCED 302, TCED 303, TCED 305, and TCED 400 prior to participating in Residency II (student teaching).
Concentration in Secondary Education, Earth & Space Science
Specialty Area (64 hours) - ASTR 201 - Astronomy Credit(s): 4
- ASTR 202 - Astronomy Credit(s): 4
- BIOL 130 - Foundations of Biology: Ecology, Evolution and Diversity Credit(s): 4
- Either GEOG 472 or METR 470
- GEOS 110 - Geoscience in Everyday Life Credit(s): 4
- GEOS 120 - Earth Materials and Processes Credit(s): 4
- GEOS 130 - Global Change and Earth History Credit(s): 4
- GEOS 140 - Weather and Climate Credit(s): 4
- HLRN 311 - Technology Integration Credit(s): 3
- HLRN 325 - Educational Psychology Credit(s): 3
- READ 433 - Reading in the Content Area Classroom Credit(s): 3
- SEDU 424 - Methods for Secondary Education Credit(s): 3
- SPED 470 - Inclusive Practices for the Middle and Secondary Classroom Credit(s): 3
- TCED 380 - Teaching Strategies in Middle Level Content Credit(s): 3
- TCED 406 - Student Teaching Secondary Education Placement I Credit(s): 5
- TCED 407 - Student Teaching Secondary Education Placement II Credit(s): 4
Choose 3 hours from:
- GEOL 275 - Travel Studies in Geology Credit(s): 3-4
- GEOL 285 - Topics in Geology Credit(s): 3-4
- GEOL 315 - Principles of Oceanography Credit(s): 3
- GEOL 345 - Disaster Mitigation and Preparedness Credit(s): 3
- GEOL 350 - Principles of Paleontology Credit(s): 4
- GEOL 365 - Tennessee’s Geologic and Cultural Landscapes Credit(s): 3
Choose 3 hours from:
- METR 320 - Physical Meteorology Credit(s): 3
- METR 330 - Mesoscale Meteorology Credit(s): 3
- METR 340 - Synoptic Meteorology and Weather Analysis Credit(s): 3
- METR 350 - Weather Forecasting Credit(s): 3
- Students must be admitted to the Educator Preparation Program to enroll in READ 433, SEDU 424, SPED 470, TCED 380, TCED 406 and TCED 407.
- Students must complete HLRN 311, HLRN 325, READ 433, SEDU 424, SPED 470, TCED 380 prior to participating in Residency II (student teaching).
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