A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Academic calendar - official schedule of each semester’s beginning and ending dates, final exams, commencement, and holidays
Academic discipline - subject area (i.e., biology, communications, special education, etc.)
Academic Fresh Start - admission policy by which grades below C will not calculate into GPA. Entrance through Academic Fresh Start must be requested and approved in advance.
Academic year - period of time beginning with fall semester and ending with summer semester
Academically eligible - 2.00 minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA; 3.00 minimum cumulative graduate GPA
Academically eligible-warning - action taken when a student fails to maintain academic eligibility
Audit - registration in a class but no credit earned or grade received
Baccalaureate or Bachelor’s degree - program of undergraduate coursework including general education courses, a major, and electives; a minor may also be required. BA signifies Bachelor of Arts, BS signifies Bachelor of Science, BIS signifies Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies.
BeanSwitch - UT Martin literary and visual arts magazine
BIS - Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies
Bluebook - blank notebook with blue covers in which to write college tests and examinations
Bursar - university official who oversees student financial transactions
CAPP (Curriculum Advising and Program Planning) - a system used to monitor a student’s progress toward completion of degree requirements
Classification - level of student status according to cumulative hours earned (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
College - academic unit of the university representing related departments (UT Martin colleges are College of Agriculture and Applied Sciences; College of Business and Global Affairs; College of Education, Health, and Behavioral Sciences; College of Engineering and Natural Sciences; College of Humanities and Fine Arts)
Commencement - ceremony to confer degrees and recognize graduates; also known as graduation
Concentration - a focus within a major (i.e., civil, electrical, industrial, and mechanical are concentrations within the engineering major)
Contact hours - number of hours a course meets each week
Corequisite - specific courses or actions that must be completed the same semester as, or prior to, another course
Course - specific subject matter studied in a particular period of time. A course may include lecture, laboratory, workshop, seminar, internship, practicum, or independent study.
Course load - total of courses taken during a particular semester/term
Course number - three-digit number that identifies each course and indicates content level
Course title - name of a course that identifies the course content
Credit - academic value assigned to a course and awarded to student upon satisfactory completion of the course
Credit hour - time-based reference measuring collegiate educational attainment
CRN (Course Reference Number) - unique five-digit number that identifies every course and section offered
Cumulative - accumulation of undergraduate hours attempted, undergraduate hours earned, and undergraduate quality points earned. Graduate coursework results in cumulative totals separate from undergraduate totals.
Curriculum - program of coursework required to satisfactorily complete a particular degree program
Degree - academic title conferred on student upon completion of curriculum requirements
Discipline - academic subject area
Dismissal - action taken when a student fails to achieve and/or maintain academic eligibility
Drop/Add - to revise a student’s course schedule by dropping course(s) but continuing with reduced course load or adding course(s)
Electives - courses selected by student to fulfill degree requirements. Electives may be restricted in some fashion or be unrestricted (free electives).
FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
Final exam - examination given at end of semester
FYI (First Year Initiative) - program designed to help students transition to college life
General Education requirement (Gen Ed) - core of courses required in all degree programs
Grade-point average (GPA) - calculation of academic performance obtained by dividing GPA hours into quality points earned. (four-point scale: A=4, B=3, C=2, D=1)
Graduate-level - courses numbered at 500, 600, and 700 level; offered for graduate credit
Graduate student - individual who has completed a baccalaureate degree and is eligible to enroll in graduate level coursework because he/she has been admitted to graduate school
Incomplete - grade assigned to a student who is passing a course satisfactorily but, because of unavoidable circumstances, cannot complete all course requirements
Lab (laboratory) - hands-on application of principles learned in class; typically experiments and projects
Lecture - method of teaching course in which faculty presents material orally and students listen and take notes
Lower division (LD) - freshman and sophomore level courses numbered at 100 and 200 level
Major - student’s principal field of study
Matriculation - first enrollment as a student following admission
Maymester - mini-session between spring and summer semesters
Minor - student’s secondary field of study
Option - coursework approved to create a specialty within a major
Plagiarism - to use another’s work and submit it as one’s own. Plagiarism is a serious offense and subject to disciplinary action.
Post-baccalaureate - undergraduate classification for individual taking additional coursework after completion of the baccalaureate degree
Prerequisite - specific course(s), actions, approvals which must be satisfactorily completed before enrolling in a particular course
Quality points - value given based on student’s final grade in course and used to calculate GPA
Registration - to enroll in coursework
Section - one of multiple offerings of a particular course in the same semester
Semester - designated period of time when coursework is offered. Fall, spring, and summer semesters comprise an academic year. Summer semester is comprised of two parts of term.
Sequence - a series of courses (ordinarily two courses) in a single content area, taken in numeric order (i.e., Chemistry 121-122 General Chemistry)
Skyhawk - UT Martin official athletic mascot
SOAR (Summer Orientation and Registration) - an event for incoming freshmen to receive orientation and register for coursework
Survey course - a course consisting of an overview of a broad topic or field or knowledge
Syllabus - document prepared by instructor providing an outline of course topics, specific course requirements, schedule of activities, grading and attendance criteria, and other information pertinent to a specific course
The Pacer - student newspaper
The Spirit - softbound yearbook
TOAR (Transfer Orientation and Registration) - an event for transfer students to receive orientation and register for coursework
Transcript - official record of each student’s coursework and grades
Undergraduate student - individual who has graduated from high school and been admitted to the university to enroll in undergraduate level coursework
Upper division (UD) - junior and senior level courses numbered at 300 and 400 level
Withdrawal from school - officially dropping all courses for a given term; must be processed through the Student Success Center