2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog - R 
    Feb 09, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog - R [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Education Core Curriculum Requirements

General Education Core Curriculum

The mission of general education at the University of Tennessee at Martin is to support life-long learning by helping students develop tools and resources to become critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and effec­tive communicators as they transform into responsible citizens.

A student seeking any bachelor’s degree at The University of Tennessee at Martin must satisfy the General Edu­cation Core Curriculum requirements outlined in this section. Specific degree programs may have additional general requirements and/or may restrict the options from which a student may choose in one or more of the categories of study. Any course in the General Education Core Curriculum will meet all of the outcomes within its respective category. Students should consult with their respective academic advisers to determine which combination of courses from the General Education Core Curriculum best meets their individual needs and the graduation requirements for their major.







UT Martin is committed to recognizing successful completion of general education requirements from schools within the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) system. The learning outcomes for the UT Martin gen­eral education requirements incorporate many of the TBR general education goals with adaptations made as needed to accommodate differences that exist between the two sets of requirements. The following guidelines have been established to facilitate the transfer of TBR general education credits to satisfy the general education requirements at UT Martin.

If a student transfers from a TBR school to UT Martin and that student has taken, at a TBR school, all the courses within one or more of the six TBR general education categories and has therefore satisfied the TBR general education requirement within one or more of the categories, then that student will have satisfied the requirements for the corresponding general education categories at UT Martin. Specifically, satisfying the TBR general education category in either Communication, Mathematics, Natural Sciences or Social and Behavioral Sciences will automatically satisfy the corresponding general education requirements in Communication, Mathematics, Biological and Physical Systems or Social and Behavioral Sciences at UT Martin. Satisfying the TBR general education History requirement and the literature component of the Humanities and/or Fine Arts category will automatically satisfy the general education requirements in Humanities at UT Martin. Finally, satisfying the TBR general education requirement in Humanities and/or Fine Arts will automatically satisfy the general education requirements in Fine Arts at UT Martin.

If a student transfers from UT Knoxville or UT Chattanooga to UT Martin and that student has completed the course requirements for general education at the school of transfer, then the student will have completed general education requirements at UT Martin. If the student transfers to UT Martin before completing general education requirements, then the student will receive credit for having completed general education blocks that correspond to those at UT Martin.