2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 25, 2024  
2021-22 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by discipline name. The discipline abbreviation appears in parentheses immediately after the discipline name. The Schedule of Courses issued each semester by the Office of Academic Records lists courses alphabetically by discipline abbreviation, not discipline name. See the following table for a list of all disciplines listed alphabetically by discipline abbreviation.

Courses are offered in rotation. The frequency of course offerings is designated by (F) for fall semester, (Sp) for spring semester, (Su) for summer semester, or (as needed). If a course is offered only in odd or even numbered years, the designation will include -odd or -even. Frequency designations are located in Courses Offered by the Department at the end of each departmental section.

Courses taken for Graduate Credit (numbered 500 or above) have additional requirements for completion with graduate credit. Graduate students will be expected to perform at a more rigorous level. Additional content will be required. Graduate students will be expected to complete additional projects.

Modern Foreign Language courses designated as Elementary or Intermediate must be taken and passed in sequence. Placement tests are given in the Department Office, upon request, to students with prior experience with French, German, or Spanish in order to place them at an appropriate level.



  • HLTH 441 - Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Community Health Initiatives

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    In this course, students learn to develop evidence-based community health initiatives. Over the course of the semester, students work on developing their own culturally competent community health initiatives, each of which is targeted at a particular population with a specific health need. Students learn to assess community needs and assets using a variety of methods and through use of logic models, design theoretically informed intervention activities appropriate to the needs/assets identified, create a budget and organizational structure, and engage key stakeholders at every facet of development and implementation of the community health initiative.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 427 .
  • HLTH 442 - Seminar in Policy Development & Advocacy

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Students will explore policy in the areas that impact the public’s health and learn their future role in the policy formation and advocacy process.

    Prerequisite(s): HLTH 428  or with instructors’ approval.
  • HLTH 475 - Health Methods

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Field-based experience for health at the secondary level emphasizing pre-assessment, unit/lesson planning, teaching strategies, implementation and evaluation.

  • HLTH 491 - Public Health Internship

    Credit(s): 12
    Lecture Hours: 12
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    A semester long experience working within a public health agency planning, implementing and/or evaluating a health promotion program or programs. Minimum of 270 hours of structured, supervised work experience. Application must be approved and liability insurance purchased before student may enroll. Student may not receive for HPER 491 and 492.

    Prerequisite(s): Must have all coursework complete prior to enrolling in the internship.

Health and Human Performance

  • HHP 325 - Stress Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    This course is designed to help people know how to cope with stress in their lives. Being able to manage stress in a positive manner enhances the potential for maximum performance both professionally and personally. This course teaches the student how to recognize negative and positive stressors and how to cope accordingly.

  • HHP 330 - Introduction to Epidemiology

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Introduction to the basic principles and methods of epidemiology. Topics to be covered include the historical perspective of epidemiology, measures of disease occurrence and association, clinical epidemiology, disease screening, causal inference and study design.

  • HHP 351 - Substance Abuse Prevention

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    This course examines the scope of substance abuse in the United States and explores the various strategies of prevention. Addictive behaviors, dependence and short and long term consequences of drug use and abuse including prescription drugs, illicit street drugs and ergogenic substances will be covered. Students may not receive credit for this class and PSYC 360 .

  • HHP 353 - Human Sexuality

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    This course addresses the relationship between health and human sexuality, focusing on the prevention of disease, disorder and dysfunction. Content examines the broad range of attitudes, behaviors, knowledge, practices and myths pertaining to sexuality.

  • HHP 360 - Healthy Aging

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    This course addresses the physical, psychological, cultural, and social issues associated with being an older person in our society. Students enrolled in this course will learn factors and influences associated with aging and what can be done to perhaps slow the aging process.

  • HHP 406 - Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Activity

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    This course examines the psychosocial benefits of physical activity, specifically focusing on the application of the promotion and maintenance of leisure-time physical activity. Theories of motivation and physical activity intervention techniques will be discussed as well as the importance of exercise for mental health.

  • HHP 485 - Workshop in Health: [Title of Workshop]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Workshop on selected topics. No more than six hours workshop credit may be applied to an undergraduate or graduate degree.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s approval.

Health and Physical Education

  • HPED 20- - Topics in Sports Officiating [Name of Sport]

    Credit(s): 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Training of students in the psychology of officiating, the mechanics and court positioning to officiate interscholastic, recreational and intramural sports as selected using the third digit: 1 for basketball, 2 for baseball/softball, 3 for football, 4 for soccer, 5 for volleyball. Certifications are made available. May enroll in one or more selected sports.

  • HPED 280 - PRAXIS Seminar

    Credit(s): 1
    When Offered: As needed

    This seminar will prepare HHP K-12 candidates for the ETS Physical Education Content and Design PRAXIS exam and the Health Education PRAXIS exam. This seminar will provide a PRAXIS overview, review course content knowledge and skills, and develop candidate test taking strategies.  May be repeated for credit.

  • HPED 300 - Anatomy and Exercise Physiology

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    This course introduces the structure and function of the cardiovascular, lymphatic, immune, respiratory, and muscular systems. Also included is the examination of initial and long term responses of physical activity and exercise within these systems.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 110  or equivalent; Health and Human Performance Licensure K-12 majors and coaching minor students only or instructor’s approval.
  • HPED 301 - Anatomy and Exercise Physiology Lab

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Application of exercise physiology and analysis of human movement knowledge, skills, and abilities as it relates to health and fitness of all ages in the general population. Emphasis is placed on developing proficiency in exercise prescription and human movement.

    Corequisite(s): HPED 300  for K-12 licensure majors.
  • HPED 304 - Adapted Physical Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Overview of characteristics, programs, special needs, legal requirements, and instructional strategies related to children with exceptionalities. Emphasis is given to modification of physical education activities and programs for special populations. Includes field experiences.

    Crosslisted With: HPED 504
  • HPED 308 - Class Management for Health and Physical Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Field-based experience for health and physical education focusing on theories and application of research in classroom management. Introduction to the language and skills of pedagogy while modeling professional behavior when applying all these skills in actual school settings. Grades K-5. Portfolio checkpoint. Background check required during the semester of enrollment.

  • HPED 309 - Methods of Teaching Elementary Health and Physical Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Field-based experience for health and physical education emphasizing the development and practice of effective teaching skills as related to teaching and learning styles, strategies for teaching and models of instruction. Addresses attitudes, knowledge and skills as defined by the Educator Preparation Program (EPP).

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP), HPED 308 , HPED 320  and HLTH 111 .
  • HPED 310 - Methods of Teaching Physical Education and Physical Activity for the Classroom Teacher

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    The pre-service teacher will be introduced to developmentally appropriate classroom-based physical activities that integrate physical activity with academic concepts. Emphasis on research linking school-based physical activity with academic performance will be examined. Lesson planning, peer teaching, and teaching indoor and outdoor physical activity at selected teaching sites will provide the pre-service teacher with a valuable field-based teaching experience.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP).
  • HPED 320 - Foundation and Sport Skills

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Addresses historical foundations of health and physical education in addition to NASPE guidelines and curriculum issues related to developmentally appropriate locomotor, rhythmic and sport skills. Requires demonstration of performance proficiency in selected team sports.

  • HPED 321 - Individual Lifetime Activity

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Addresses historical foundations of health and physical education in addition to NASPE guidelines and curriculum issues related to developmentally appropriate locomotor, rhythmic and sport skills. Requires demonstration of performance proficiency in selected individual sports.

  • HPED 390 - Practicum

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Supervised field-based experience in coaching and/or athletic related area. Application must be filed one semester prior to enrolling in practicum.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s approval.
  • HPED 410 - Teaching Models in Physical Education

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Introduces instructional models specifically developed for teaching secondary physical education. Emphasis on planning and applying developmentally appropriate physical education models. Sport Education and Teaching Games for Understanding models will be emphasized along with the concepts and tactics of teaching games.

  • HPED 411 - Secondary Instruction Strategies and Curriculum Development

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Field-based experience for physical education at the secondary level emphasizing pre-assessment, unit/lesson planning, teaching strategies, implementation and evaluation. Introduction to curriculum design and implementation from a historical and education governance perspective.

    Prerequisite(s): Prereq for 411: HPED 309 ; Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP); prereq for 611: Admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP) or instructor’s permission.
  • HPED 412 - Public Relations for Teachers and Coaches

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Examines the concepts of program promotion, coordination of non-academic responsibilities and understanding relationships with administrators, teachers, parents and community.

  • HPED 460 - Theory and Techniques of Coaching Baseball/Softball

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Individual and team fundamentals primarily for the public school coach. Emphasis on conditioning techniques, strategies, team management, motivation, equipment selection/fitting and scheduling.

  • HPED 465 - The Theory and Techniques of Coaching Basketball

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Emphasis on conditioning techniques, strategies, team management, motivation, equipment selection/fitting and scheduling.

  • HPED 470 - The Theory and Techniques of Coaching Football

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Emphasis on conditioning, techniques, strategies, team management, motivation, equipment selection/fitting and scheduling.

  • HPED 475 - The Theory and Techniques of Coaching Volleyball

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Emphasis on conditioning, techniques, strategies, team management, motivation, equipment selection/fitting and scheduling.

  • HPED 485 - Workshop in Physical Education: [Title of Workshop]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Workshop on selected topics. No more than six hours of workshop credit may be applied to an undergraduate or graduate degree in education.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s approval.


  • HIST 121 - Development of World Civilization I

    (TBR: HIST 1110)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from ancient beginnings to 1500.

  • HIST 121H - Honors Development of World Civilization

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Open to students who have demonstrated superior academic ability. Consent of department required. See HIST 121  for course descriptions.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 121  but for honors credit and may not be taken in addition to HIST 121 .
  • HIST 122 - Development of World Civilization II

    (TBR: HIST 1120)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    Studies the formation, interactions, and development of world civilizations and cultures from 1500 to the present.

  • HIST 122H - Honors Development of World Civilization

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Open to students who have demonstrated superior academic ability. Consent of department required. See HIST 122  for course descriptions.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 122  but for honors credit and may not be taken in addition to HIST 122 .
  • HIST 201 - History of the United States I

    (TBR: HIST-2010)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    A study of the main currents and developments in American life from colonial times to 1877.

  • HIST 202 - History of the United States II

    (TBR: HIST-2020)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    A study of the main currents and developments in American life from 1877 to the present.

  • HIST 250 - History of Tennessee

    (TBR: HIST 2030)
    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Tennessee history from the view of the culture of the Indian tribes living in this area through early European settlement, the Revolutionary War in Tennessee and the organization of Tennessee as a state. Social and economic life on the frontier, the culture of the pre-Civil War South, the Civil War and Reconstruction periods in Tennessee and from the Progressive era to the present.

  • HIST 299 - History and Historians

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    An introduction to the History Major designed to introduce students to basic techniques, skills and issues of historical research, writing and teaching, including key historical concepts and methods, the nature and fields of history and historiography. Should be taken prior to the junior year and before commencing upper-division course work, including taking HIST 499  for which it is a prerequisite. Required for History and Secondary History majors.

  • HIST 302 - Introduction to Public History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Explores the various opportunities for work as a public historian and addresses the current issues and debates in the field. Students will learn about the major functions of public history work. May be followed by a semester internship in public history.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 502
  • HIST 303 - Women in American History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    Explores the lives of American women through the prism of class, race and ethnicity-in relationship to each other, to their families, to their work at home and in the public sphere and to their influence on American society and culture. Beginning with the European settlement of North America and continuing until the present, women’s history will be woven into a presentation of the American past.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 503
  • HIST 304 - Women in World History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    This course takes a thematic approach to study women in the non-Western world. Examples from Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America, and different chronological periods, will focus on themes including women and religion, war, politics, work, and family. Regional and chronological emphasis will vary with each offering.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 504
  • HIST 305 - Women in European History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    A thematic approach to the history of women in Europe, this course addresses topics from ancient to modern Europe, and will focus on themes such as religion, politics, medicine, family, and the law. Regional, chronological, and thematic emphasis will vary with each offering.

  • HIST 306 - Women in East Asia

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    This course examines women’s experiences in East Asia from ancient times to the present by focusing on major ideologies, institutions, and practices that determined women’s gender roles, status, and everyday lives in China, Japan, and Korea. Primary sources produced by women are used to enable students to acknowledge women’s voices and perspectives on their society, culture, and life.

  • HIST 310 - American Military History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    American military history from the American Revolution to the present. Evaluation of significant battles from the viewpoints of the participants, their resources, decision-making techniques and the nine principles of war. Discussion of all of America’s wars. Emphasis on the Civil War, World War I, World War II, Korea and Vietnam.

    Crosslisted With: MSL 310 
  • HIST 320 - Ancient Greece

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    A study of Greek society from Minoan civilization to the Hellenistic Age (1400-300 BC). Topics include hoplite warfare, Greek colonization, the Olympics, Sparta, Periclean Athens, the Persian and Peloponnesian Wars and the empire of Alexander the Great.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 520
  • HIST 321 - Ancient Rome

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    A study of Rome’s cultural and political development from 700 BC to 400 AD. Examines Rome’s origins as a small city state to its rule over a vast empire that stretched from Britain to the Middle East. Topics include the formation of the Roman Republic, expansion, civil war, imperial government and the development of Christianity.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 521
  • HIST 323 - The Middle East, 500-1800

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    This course surveys the history of Middle Eastern societies during medieval and early-modern eras with an emphasis on the rise of Islam and its world historical context. Topics include the development and spread of Islam, the Caliphate and its demise, the Crusades, the Mongol empires, and the rise of Turkish power culminating in the Ottoman and Safavid Empires.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 523
  • HIST 324 - The Modern Middle East

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    This course surveys major political and cultural developments in the Middle East over the last two centuries, emphasizing interactions with the West, the development of secular nation-states, the nature of Arab nationalism and the Arab-Israeli dispute, oil diplomacy, and the Islamist revival. Time is reserved for discussion of topics that have acquired a broad contemporary significance.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 524
  • HIST 325 - East Asia to 1600

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    This course introduces the trajectory of development of East Asian civilizations, from the prehistoric period to 1600. The goal of this course is to help students to understand East Asia as an integrated region with common cultural heritages and shared historical experiences while also emphasizing the historical development of the distinctive national identities of China, Japan, and Korea respectively.

  • HIST 339 - Early Modern History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    A study of 16th and 17th century European political, cultural, social, economic, and intellectual history. This course is an examination of how Europe progressed from the middle ages to the modern era. Topics include religious reformation, religious wars, nation building, exploration and colonization, women and gender, and cultural and intellectual movements.

  • HIST 340 - The Age of Enlightenment and Revolution, 1715-1815

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    A study of 18th century European political, social, economic and intellectual history, including the French enlightenment and its influence on Europe and America. Set against the background of military and diplomatic developments of global war, the course will examine the causes of the French Revolution and Napoleonic era.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 540
  • HIST 341 - Europe, 1815-1914

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    A comparative study of European states from the Congress of Vienna to World War I, this course examines industrialization, political modernization, the birth of popular culture, the challenges of mass society, colonialism, and Europe’s changing relations with the world.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 541
  • HIST 342 - Europe From War to War, 1914-1945

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    A comparative study of European states from the outbreak of World War I to the end of World War II, this course examines total war’s impact on peoples, cultures, and economies; political and cultural modernization, the birth of the welfare state, unification attempts, and Europe’s changing relations with the world.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 542
  • HIST 343 - Europe, 1945

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    A comparative study of European states from the end of World War II to the present. Examines the Cold War’s impact on peoples, cultures, and economies; the end of the industrial age, the creation of the European Union, and Europe’s changing relations with the world.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 543
  • HIST 401 - Independent Study in American History

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Directed reading or research under supervision of a staff member. By arrangement only.

    Prerequisite(s): 24 hours of history with a 3.00 average (in history), 2.50 average (overall) and departmental approval.
  • HIST 402 - Independent Study in World History

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Directed reading or research under the supervision of a faculty member. By arrangement only.

    Prerequisite(s): 24 hours of history with a 3.00 grade point average and departmental approval.
  • HIST 403 - Social and Cultural History of the United States

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    Based on an analysis of gender, race, class and ethnicity, this course examines American society “from the bottom up,” looking at such issues as the environment, health and demography, religious values, industrialization, cities and suburbia, social movements, popular culture and everyday life. 1600 to Present.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 603
  • HIST 404 - Sex and Gender in American History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    Topical study of sexuality and gender over the four centuries since the arrival of Europeans in North America. The course will examine important theories and trends within the vibrant subfield of cultural history. Focusing on the private sphere as well as the public sphere led cultural historians to examine issues of sexuality and to recognize its intersection with race, gender, class, age, time period, region, and culture. The course will focus on such themes as courtship, marriage, sexualities, the politics of reproduction, prostitution, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual violence, and sex censorship.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 604
  • HIST 414 - History of England

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    A survey of English history from the Norman Conquest to the present. 1066 to 1714 (HIST 414). 1714 to the present (HIST 415 ).

    Crosslisted With: HIST 614
  • HIST 415 - History of England

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    A survey of English history from the Norman Conquest to the present. 1066 to 1714 (HIST 414 ). 1714 to the present (HIST 415).

    Crosslisted With: HIST 615
  • HIST 420 - Late Antiquity and Medieval History

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    Examines European society from 300 to 1300, with particular emphasis on the development of the Christian church in Western Europe and Byzantium. Topics include the Papacy, asceticism and monasticism, the Frankish and Carolingian kingdoms, the Inquisition and the Crusades.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 620
  • HIST 421 - Renaissance and Reformation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    Examines the social, political, intellectual, artistic and religious developments in Europe from the thirteenth through the sixteenth centuries and the resulting changes, with emphasis on the Humanist movement, the Reformation and the Counter Reformation.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 621
  • HIST 425 - Science and Superstition in Early Modern Europe

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    This course is an examination of the contrasting ideas, beliefs, and trends in the areas of science and superstition from the middle ages to the 19th century. Topics include the Scientific Revolution, the history of Witchcraft trials, popular magic and medicine, and the Enlightenment.

  • HIST 434 - African-American History I

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    This course covers the background and origin of the slave trade in Africa, the mid-passage, the nature of the slave trade in the Americas, the Africans in America both as freemen and slaves, movements to end slavery and slave resistance efforts and the role of blacks in the Civil War.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 634
  • HIST 435 - African-American History II

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    This course covers the African-Americans from the Reconstruction period to the present time. Topics included are the ending of slavery, the economic and political transition following it, the emerging debate over the role of the African-American in American life, the struggle for political and legal equality and the social and cultural development of African-Americans in the twentieth century.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 635
  • HIST 441 - History of Latin America

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    An examination of main topics such as conquest, colonialism, independence movements, civil wars and revolutions, economic upheavals and political instability in Latin America and the Caribbean Basin, with special emphasis on the roles of church and state (including the military) and the challenges faced by diverse and stratified societies. Thematic and geographical focuses will vary with each offering.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 641
  • HIST 442 - History of Mexico

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Mexican history from pre-Hispanic civilizations (especially the Aztec Empire) to the present. Examines colonial Mexico, its movement towards independence, issues of political and economic stability, its relationship with the United States and its ongoing revolution.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 642
  • HIST 444 - Imperial American, 1877 to 1900

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    A critical examination of the pivotal era in U. S. history, with special attention given to such topics as Gilded Age politics and culture, the final subjugation of the American Indians, the closing of the frontier, and America’s expanding involvement overseas, including its war with Spain and its conquest of the Philippines.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 644
  • HIST 445 - China since 1600

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    This course explores the historical transformation of China from an empire to a modern state to global super power. It examines the social, cultural, and institutional features of the Qing dynasty and its troubled encounters with the West in the nineteenth century, the internal and external conflicts and contentions in the process of China’s transformation into the two modern states of the Republic of China and the People’s Republic of China, and the significance of present-day China in the world and the current problems confronting China.

  • HIST 446 - Japan since 1600

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    This course examines the trajectory of Japan’s historical development from the 17th century to the present. It covers the society and culture of early modern Japan under the Tokugawa Shogunate systems (1600-1868) and the rise of the only non-Western imperial power of the modern era. Further, it explores Japanese experiences during the Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II as well as postwar Japanese society and its relations with both the United States and neighboring Asian countries.

  • HIST 448 - Russia Since 1552

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    A study of Russia from the conquest of Kazan to the present, this course examines Russia’s imperial formation, 19th century reforms, 20th century revolutions, and superpower role.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 648
  • HIST 450 - Public History Internship

    Credit(s): 3-6
    Lecture Hours: 3-6
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Full-time apprenticeship with a public or private historical agency or institution of local, regional, or national significance. May be taken at any time of the year and may be paid.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 302 , 3.0 GPA in the major. Not limited to History majors.
    Crosslisted With: HIST 650
  • HIST 459 - The Twenty-First Century World

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    A topical, cross-cultural seminar dealing with major twenty-first century civilizational values and dynamics, their roots, and their impact on human beings and the environment. Includes, but is not limited to, the study of human and civil rights, migrations, global warming, modernism and post-modernism, social engineering, the industrial economies, and imperial power. This writing-intensive course uses a variety of historical methods to contribute to emerging narratives and to construct syntheses.

  • HIST 460 - Topics in Diplomatic History: [Topics Title]

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    Classes allowing for an in-depth study of the nature and styles of diplomacy and of selected topics pertaining to U. S. , European, or non-European diplomacy through time periods from the beginning of civilization to the present. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (460, HIST 470 , HIST 480 , or HIST 490 ) can be counted toward the major or minor.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 660
  • HIST 461 - The Colonial Period and the Revolution

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    A study of the origins and development of the American colonies, with special attention given to those that formed the “original thirteen states. ” Social, cultural and religious differences and developments as well as political and military events. An examination of the causes and events that brought about the rupture of the ties to England and the military and diplomatic history of the Revolutionary War.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 661
  • HIST 462 - The Constitution and the Rise of the Federation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    A study of the problems for the Confederation after the drafting of the peace with England and an examination of the solutions found, or attempted, in the Constitutional Convention. The nature of the union formed by the ratification process and the subsequent changes in that union during the Federal Period. Review of the attempts to form a distinctly American culture.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 662
  • HIST 463 - U. S. Foreign Relations to 1920

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    This course surveys the major themes of United States foreign affairs from the formation of the republic through the First World War. Topics include: foreign policy in the Revolutionary War, Hamiltonian vs. Jeffersonian approaches, the War of 1812, the Monroe Doctrine, continental expansion and War with Mexico, foreign policy during the Civil War, Caribbean and Pacific expansion, the First World War, and the League of Nations debate.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 663
  • HIST 464 - U. S. Foreign Relations since 1920

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    This course surveys the major themes of United States foreign affairs since the First World War. Topics include: disarmament, neutrality, the Second World War, origins of the Cold War and confrontation with the Soviet Union, interactions with developing nations, conflicts in Korea and Vietnam, the end of the Cold War, and wars in Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 664
  • HIST 465 - American Thought to HIST 1877

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    A study of currents in American intellectual history from colonization to Reconstruction. The course explores religious traditions and revivalism; causes and impact of reform movements; political ideologies of republicanism and democracy; transcendentalism and Unitarianism; and debates surrounding slavery.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 665
  • HIST 466 - American Thought since HIST 1877

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    Major aspects of American intellectual history from Reconstruction to the present. Principal attention to the debates surrounding Darwinian evolution; development of pragmatism; trends in liberal and conservative political ideologies; the role of the public intellectual; anti-Communism; and working class life in the labor movement.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 666
  • HIST 467 - Travel-Study [Selected Topics]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    A course designed as an educational travel experience in American History and Culture within the United States under the supervision of a university instructor. May be taught as an organized study-tour or as an independent travel and study project. Topics, prerequisites and course requirements announced in advance. Students may repeat course (with different topics). Pass/Fail
    May be offered on a pass/fail basis.

    Prerequisite(s): Requires instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: HIST 667
  • HIST 468 - Travel-Study [Selected Topics]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    A course designed as an educational travel experience in international history and culture in foreign countries under the supervision of a University instructor. May be taught as an organized study-tour or as an independent travel and study project. Topics, prerequisites and course requirements announced in advance. Students may repeat course with different topics. Pass/Fail
    May be offered on a Pass/Fail basis.

    Prerequisite(s): Requires instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: HIST 668
  • HIST 470 - Topics in World History: [Topics Title

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    Classes in selected aspects of world history dealing with a global or comparative approach, such as, but not limited to, urbanization, technology, sports, disease, climate, demographics, food, rise and fall of civilizations, transportation, industrialization and migrations. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (HIST 460 , 470, HIST 480 , or HIST 490 ) can be counted toward the major or minor.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 670
  • HIST 480 - Topics in U. S. History: [Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    Classes in one or more of the following areas: (a) interdisciplinary approaches to historical periods and (b) specialized topics suitable for in-depth study. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (HIST 460 , HIST 470 , 480 or HIST 490 ) can be counted toward the major or minor.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 680
  • HIST 484 - History of Africa 1400 to Present

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    A survey of African history from the 15th century to the present, emphasizing the rise of colonialism, its significance to Africa’s underdevelopment and African resistance to colonialism, with special focus on the histories of Algeria, South Africa, Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), Kenya, Angola and Mozambique.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 684
  • HIST 490 - Topics in European History: [Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    Classes taught with an interdisciplinary and/or comparative approach, or allowing for an in-depth study of specialized topics in European history. May be repeated for credit (with different topic). Only six hours of undergraduate topics courses (HIST 460 , HIST 470 , HIST 480  or 490) can be counted toward the major or minor.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 690
  • HIST 494 - Antebellum America, 1815-1850

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    A study of this remarkable period of American growth and expansion and the conflicts that pushed the nation toward the Civil War, with emphasis on the market and transportation revolutions, reform movements, the evolution of American democracy, territorial acquisition, the U.S.-Mexico War, slavery, sectionalism and presidential administrations, from Madison to Polk, particularly that of Andrew Jackson.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 694
  • HIST 495 - The Civil War and Reconstruction, 1850-1877

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    A critical inquiry into the inflammatory politics of the 1850s, the many causes of the Civil War, the course, conduct and significance of the American Civil War and its aftermath. Special emphasis on the military campaigns, emancipation, activity behind the lines, wartime diplomacy and reconstructing the nation.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 695
  • HIST 496 - U. S. History, 1900- 1945

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    This course involves the study of one of the most dramatic periods of US history, beginning with the Spanish American War, running through World Wars I and II, and the atomic bomb. Domestically, it examines the deepening of racial segregation, the rise of great industrial monopolies, the greatest economic crisis in the nation’s history, and some of the political responses to these and other great events.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 696
  • HIST 497 - U. S. History, 1945 to the Present

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Even

    This course examines the United States from the height of its power at the close of World War II, into the Cold War, through the Civil Rights Revolution, the turbulent 1960s, the Vietnam conflict, America’s de-industrialization, the rise of conservatism, and on to the age of Obama, in an effort to make sense of the present by studying this, the most recent past.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 697
  • HIST 498 - The Sixties

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    A critical inquiry into a tumultuous period in recent US history. Exploring the rise of the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements, the New Frontier and the Great Society, U. S. foreign policy and Vietnam, the anti-war, women’s and counter-cultural movements and the conservative response to political, cultural and social change.

    Crosslisted With: HIST 698
  • HIST 499 - Senior Seminar: Historical Research and Writing

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    A theme-based writing seminar designed to promote scholarly expression and hone analytical and critical thinking skills. Students will learn the mechanics of historical writing and editing in a closely directed environment while acquiring skills essential to professional development. Themes will be selected by the instructor. This course is required for all History Majors and should be taken before the student’s final semester.

    Prerequisite(s): HIST 299 .


  • HNRS 101 - Great Works I - The Ancient World and Classical Antiquity

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    A course designed for University Scholars in the first semester of their first year. Introduction to historical, philosophical, and literary analysis as a means of developing high-level critical thinking and writing skills. Particular emphasis placed on historical processes, philosophical inquiry, and literary analysis. Representative and influential texts and authors from the ancient world.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the University Scholars Program.
  • HNRS 102 - Great Works II - Late Antiquity to the Middle Ages

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    A course designed for University Scholars in the second semester of their first year to develop high-level critical thinking and writing skills. Particular emphasis placed on historical processes, philosophical inquiry, and literary analysis. Representative and influential texts and authors from late Antiquity to the Middle Ages.

    Prerequisite(s): HNRS 101  with a grade of C or better.
  • HNRS 110 - Public Speaking and the Rhetorical Tradition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    A course designed for University Scholars in the first semester of their first year, HNRS 110 is the study of public speaking through the application of classical rhetorical theory in the preparation, delivery, and criticism of extemporaneous and manuscript speeches. All course content and staffing is left to the discretion of the Department of Communications.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the University Scholars Program.
    Corequisite(s): (if not already satisfied) ENGL 111  or ENGL 111H .
  • HNRS 120 - Development of Mathematical Enquiry

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    A mathematics course designed for University Scholars in the second semester of their first year, HNRS 120 focuses on the methods, practices, and historical development of Mathematics from Classical Antiquity to the Enlightenment. Emphasis on the development of problem solving techniques and the nature and purpose of mathematical enquiry’s application in cultural development. Texts taken from representative mathematical works from Euclid through Newton. A mathematics course taught by and content approved by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

    Prerequisite(s): Admission to the University Scholars Program AND one unit of high school geometry, two units of high school algebra, and a satisfactory placement score.
  • HNRS 180 - Honors Special Topics [Title]

    Credit(s): 1
    When Offered: As needed

    One-hour course designed to offer qualified students enhanced study within a regularly offered 100-level course in which they are enrolled. Examples of enhanced academic content may include, but are not limited to, supplemental readings or research paper, article reviews, annotated bibliography, presentations, or performances. Honors Special Topics courses count as electives and must meet the following requirements:

    A student may enroll in a maximum of three 100-level Honors Special Topics courses (180-182). A minimum grade of C is required in HNRS classes for credit toward completing an honors program.

  • HNRS 181 - Honors Special Topics [Title]

    Credit(s): 1
    When Offered: As needed

    One-hour course designed to offer qualified students enhanced study within a regularly offered 100-level course in which they are enrolled. Examples of enhanced academic content may include, but are not limited to, supplemental readings or research paper, article reviews, annotated bibliography, presentations, or performances. Honors Special Topics courses count as electives and must meet the following requirements:

    A student may enroll in a maximum of three 100-level Honors Special Topics courses (180-182). A minimum grade of C is required in HNRS classes for credit toward completing an honors program.

  • HNRS 182 - Honors Special Topics [Title]

    Credit(s): 1
    When Offered: As needed

    One-hour course designed to offer qualified students enhanced study within a regularly offered 100-level course in which they are enrolled. Examples of enhanced academic content may include, but are not limited to, supplemental readings or research paper, article reviews, annotated bibliography, presentations, or performances. Honors Special Topics courses count as electives and must meet the following requirements:

    A student may enroll in a maximum of three 100-level Honors Special Topics courses (180-182). A minimum grade of C is required in HNRS classes for credit toward completing an honors program.

  • HNRS 200 - Honors Special Topics

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As needed

    In-depth study of specialized topics selected from disciplines across the curriculum. Emphasis on critical thinking, writing, and discussion skills. Topics and instructors vary by section and semester. Qualified students enroll with permission of instructor and Director of Honors Programs. Course may be repeated once for credit. 


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