2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2020-21 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are listed alphabetically by discipline name. The discipline abbreviation appears in parentheses immediately after the discipline name. The Schedule of Courses issued each semester by the Office of Academic Records lists courses alphabetically by discipline abbreviation, not discipline name. See the following table for a list of all disciplines listed alphabetically by discipline abbreviation.

Courses are offered in rotation. The frequency of course offerings is designated by (F) for fall semester, (Sp) for spring semester, (Su) for summer semester, or (as needed). If a course is offered only in odd or even numbered years, the designation will include -odd or -even. Frequency designations are located in Courses Offered by the Department at the end of each departmental section.

Courses taken for Graduate Credit (numbered 500 or above) have additional requirements for completion with graduate credit. Graduate students will be expected to perform at a more rigorous level. Additional content will be required. Graduate students will be expected to complete additional projects.

Modern Foreign Language courses designated as Elementary or Intermediate must be taken and passed in sequence. Placement tests are given in the Department Office, upon request, to students with prior experience with French, German, or Spanish in order to place them at an appropriate level.


Music Ensembles

  • MUEN 468 - Chamber Ensemble

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Individual ensembles will be determined by section number. Homogenous Tuba/Euphonium Piano Clarinet Flute Choir Saxophone & Double Reed Trombone Choir Brass Quintet Open Heterogeneous (Mixed) Small Jazz Combo Brazilian Choro Open

  • MUEN 471 - University Orchestra

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Major Ensembles. Study and performance of music appropriate to each ensemble including both traditional repertoire and music of diverse cultures. Membership is open by audition to all students. May be repeated for credit.

  • MUEN 491 - Contemporary Music Group

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    This ensemble is dedicated to the study and performance of contemporary (20th and 21st century) music.

Natural Resources Management

  • NRM 100 - Introduction to Natural Resource Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Survey of natural resources management career opportunities; a history of resource management; forests, wildlife, soils and recreation components; government and private management entities; commercial, conservation and preservation philosophies of land management discussed.

  • NRM 101 - Wildlife, Conservation and Environmental Issues

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    This course is intended for students who are interested in wildlife and conservation issues. Includes a review of wildlife and resource history and a survey of current resources at global, national and regional scales. Issues will be discussed including biological diversity and endangered species, pollution and habitat loss, values of natural resources to humans and human philosophies and perspectives on conservation.

  • NRM 180 - Topics in Natural Resources Management [Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Study of special topics, lab, or field experiences at an introductory level. Topics include, but are not restricted to: Agricultural Economics, Animal Science, Plant and Soil Science, Agricultural Education, Agricultural Engineering Technology, Natural Resources Management, Chemistry, Physics, Biology. This course may be repeated for credit with adviser’s approval. Pass/Fail
    The course is graded pass/fail.

    Crosslisted With: AGRI 180 
  • NRM 200 - Natural Resource Interpretation Practicum

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Application of service learning activities off campus in cooperation with other agencies such as Tennessee State Parks, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Forest Service, National Park Service, etc. Students will assist in public outreach activities such as interpretation and work on special projects related to natural resource management.

  • NRM 210 - Human Dimensions in Natural Resources Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    A communications and critical thinking course involving current conservation issues-relating to forestry, wildlife, fisheries, agriculture (and other land use), human population growth, air and water pollution, as well as other natural resource concerns. This course will involve interpersonal, oral and thinking skills leading to mediating environmental conflicts. There will be active group interaction and student participation during class. Open to all students, regardless of major.

  • NRM 225 - Introduction to Aquatic Science

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Introduction to the physical, chemical, and biological components of freshwater. Examining lake formation, hydrology, water chemistry, and ecology and diversity of food webs. Field sampling techniques for lake and streams will be demonstrated. This course requires fieldwork involving physical activity.

  • NRM 225L - Natural Resource Mgmt Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
  • NRM 230 - Travel Studies in Agriculture and Natural Resources

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Travel course to study topics in Agriculture and Natural Resources either domestic or international. Requires travel to another region or country and presentation of oral and written reports. May be repeated one time for credit.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: AGRI 230 .
  • NRM 250 - Global Perspectives in Natural Resource Based Recreation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    This course will provide an examination of the political, economic, and cultural factors that shape the use of the world’s natural re sources for recreation. There will be a review of the values involved and the benefits derived in different societies around the world. The roles of government agencies and non-governmental organizations will be discussed. There will be a survey of the major issues facing the sustainable use of natural resources for recreation. Students will be exposed to current research and service-learning opportunities.

  • NRM 301 - Special Problems[Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Summer. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration.

    Independent study projects for students exhibiting special interest and abilities in selected subject areas. Written project outline and report of results required.

  • NRM 302 - Special Problems[Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring, Summer. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration.

    Independent study projects for students exhibiting special interest and abilities in selected subject areas. Written project outline and report of results required.

  • NRM 315 - Restoration of Freshwater Habitats

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    Restoration of streams, lakes, and wetlands with special attention given to the restoration and fluvial geomorphology of channelized streams in West Tennessee. Social, biological, and political forces that affect the success of a restoration project will be explored. This course requires fieldwork involving physical activity.

  • NRM 315L - Natural Resource Mgmt Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
  • NRM 330 - Natural Resources Research

    Foundations and application of the scientific method in natural resources studies. Hypothesis formation, literature review, experimental and sampling design, pilot studies and power analysis, data collection, analysis and interpretation of results, written and oral presentation components. Spring

    Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): Prereq: PARK-200 or MATH-210 and junior standing.
  • NRM 350 - Environmental Regulation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring - Odd

    Students will be introduced to environmental regulation and the role of environmental professionals in the workplace. Emphasis will be placed on the interrelationships among businesses, federal and state regulatory programs. Examples will come from current regulatory programs and emerging areas on concern. The perspective will be that of environmental professionalism including responsibilities and ethics.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
  • NRM 355 - Ethics and the Environment

    Credit(s): 3
    When Offered: As needed

    Discussion of major ethical issues regarding nature and the environment, including the value of nature, human treatment of animals, natural resource management, anthropocentrism, species and biodiversity, population growth, global poverty, and climate change.

    Crosslisted With: PHIL 355  
  • NRM 375 - Environmental and Agricultural Law

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Survey of law and its application to agricultural and natural resource management. Property, contracts, torts, drainage and water rights. Environmental law, land tenure, employment, forms of business organization, estate planning, regulatory law and other selected topics.

    Crosslisted With: AGEC 375 
  • NRM 390 - Career Planning in Natural Resources Management

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Assessment of personal and academic potential for professional careers by Natural Resources Management graduates. Efforts directed toward preparation of resumes and cover letters, interviewing, and securing positions. Discussion of qualifications including employment and volunteer experience; knowledge, skills, and abilities; communication skills, and other pertinent qualifications.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
  • NRM 401 - Research Participation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Summer. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration.

    Application of the scientific method and techniques of research to investigation of problems in major subject areas of natural resources management. Restricted to students with demonstrated ability to conduct a supervised research problem. Preparation of project outline and presentation of written and oral reports are required. Only 401-NRM 402  may be used for Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources Fellows Research Program.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and minimum GPA of 2.75.
    Crosslisted With: NRM 601
  • NRM 402 - Research Participation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring, Summer. Taught only by arrangement prior to registration.

    Application of the scientific method and techniques of research to investigation of problems in major subject areas of natural resources management. Restricted to students with demonstrated ability to conduct a supervised research problem. Preparation of project outline and presentation of written and oral reports are required. Only NRM 401 -402 may be used for Agriculture, Geosciences, and Natural Resources Fellows Research Program.

    Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and minimum GPA of 2.75.
    Crosslisted With: NRM 602
  • NRM 410 - Silviculture

    Credit(s): 3
    When Offered: Spring

    Principles of forestry and the management of forestland. Multiple uses of these forests and how to market and harvest products from them. How to protect them, improve their quality and keep records.

    Prerequisite(s)/Corequisite(s): (Same as NRM 610, PLSC 410 /PLSC 610)
  • NRM 420 - Supervised Field Experience

    Credit(s): 3, 4
    Lecture Hours: 3-4
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer

    Minimum of one semester (or two semesters for four hours credit) of supervised study and experience cooperative with approved university biological stations, governmental agencies, or private enterprises at off-campus locations. Term paper describing application of resource management techniques required. Joint evaluations by on-the-job and academic supervisors.

    Prerequisite(s): Instructor’s approval.
  • NRM 440 - Regional Studies in Natural Resources Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Evaluation of natural resources and administration on a regional basis by visits to selected public, private and commercial agencies and lands.

    Crosslisted With: NRM 640
  • NRM 450 - Dynamics and Development of Leadership in Natural Resources Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    A study of the dynamics, strategies and parliamentary procedure skills needed by leaders of occupational, civic and social organizations. Practical approaches through group interactions and participation. A detailed examination of organizations and individuals within organizations. Students are required to write reports and give oral presentations.

    Prerequisite(s): Junior standing.
    Crosslisted With: NRM 650, AGRI 450 /650
  • NRM 460 - Agroecosystems Analysis Field School

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Summer

    This course provides a field-based opportunity to develop a deeper conceptual and analytical framework for understanding agroecosystems in Tennessee and the mid-south region. The course is founded on the concept of community learning, providing interactive and experiential opportunities while expecting all participants to engage in the discussions and other activities as colleague learners.

    Crosslisted With: NRM 660, AGRI 460 /660
  • NRM 461 - Selected Topics in Natural Resources Management

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Current and historical topics in natural resources management. Review of literature on classic natural resource issues. Subjects determined by instructor. Active student participation including oral and written presentations. This course cannot be substituted for BIOL 410 -BIOL 411 .

    Prerequisite(s): Major in Natural Resources Management, or Biology, or have instructor’s approval.
  • NRM 480 - Applications of Molecular Biotechnology

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    Advances in computer science, information technology, biology and chemistry have given us the field of biotechnology. This course will explore the technological, cultural and personal aspects of this emerging field as related to the disciplines of agriculture and natural resources. Topics to be covered will include genetic selection as it applies to plant and animal breeding, ethical implications of cloning, metagenomics of ecosystems, forensic applications and industrial processes. Students are required to write reports and give oral presentations.

    Crosslisted With: NRM 680, AGRI 480 /680


  • NEUR 200 - Introduction to Neuroscience

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    This introductory course surveys the structure and function of the nervous system in relation to behavior, including neural development and plasticity, neuronal communication, sensory and motor systems, and behavioral and cognitive functions.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 110  and BIOL 120  or BIOL 130  and BIOL 140 , and PSYC 101  with grades of C or better, or instructor’s approval.
  • NEUR 324 - Mindfulness and Meditation

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    This course introduces and explores the practices of mindfulness and meditation. Course content includes discussion and application of mindfulness and meditation toward improving physical and psychological well-being, with an emphasis on stress management and other health benefits. Course requirements include a commitment to practicing mindfulness and meditation outside of the course meetings. In repeated courses, the instructor will assist the student in learning about new research and developing new practices. Course may be repeated; course may only be taken once per term. Total credit hours are not to exceed 3.

    Prerequisite(s): PSYC 101  or instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: PSYC 324 
  • NEUR 362 - Special Topics: Basic Neuroscience

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Subject matter for the course will vary by semester, including topics from biology, chemistry, or physics. Total credits not to exceed three hours toward the minor.

    Prerequisite(s): NEUR 200  and junior standing or instructor’s approval.
  • NEUR 363 - Special Topics: Applied Neuroscience

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Subject matter for the course will vary by semester, including topics from cognitive, behavioral, functional neuroscience. Total credits not to exceed three hours toward the minor.

    Prerequisite(s): NEUR 200  and junior standing or instructor’s approval.
  • NEUR 365 - Special Topics in Neuroscience

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Selected topics in the area of neuroscience. The course subject matter for this class will vary by semester, includes topics not designated as basic or applied. Total credits not to exceed three hours toward the minor.

    Prerequisite(s): NEUR 200  and junior standing or instructor’s approval.
  • NEUR 410 - Sleep and Dreams

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Lecture/discussion format. Scientific literature, methods, and theories regarding the physiology of sleep, the purpose and meaning of dreams, and sleep disorders and their treatment.

    Crosslisted With: PSYC 410 
  • NEUR 455 - Neuroscience Travel Study

    Credit(s): 1-6
    Lecture Hours: 1-6
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Not regularly offered. (as needed)

    A course designed as an educational travel experience in Neuroscience within the United States or internationally under the direction of a university instructor. May be taught as an organized study tour or as an independent travel and study project. Topics, prerequisites and course requirements announced in advance. Students may repeat course with different topics. A maximum of six credit hours can be counted toward a minor in Neuroscience. Pass/Fail
    May be offered on a Pass/Fail basis.

    Prerequisite(s): NEUR 200  and Junior standing or instructor’s approval.
  • NEUR 460 - Fundamentals of Clinical Neuropsychology

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Course serves as an introduction to the clinical application of brain-behavior relations including functional neuroanatomy and physiology of the brain. Reviews clinical effect and assessment of disease, injury, aging or behavior, cognition, and personality. Also introduces students to neuropsychology assessment, methods and treatment.

    Prerequisite(s): completion of PSYC 315 , PSYC 318 , and PSYC 350  with a grade of C or better, or consent of instructor.
    Crosslisted With: PSYC 460  
  • NEUR 480 - Neuroscience Seminar

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    This is a capstone course for neuroscience minors meant to be taken in the student’s final year. An application of neuroscience fundamentals to current research and issues in preparation for graduate programs and/or careers in the field. The course requires active student participation including class discussions, written assignments, and oral presentations.

    Prerequisite(s): NEUR 200 , and Junior standing or instructor’s approval.


  • NURS 212L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 213 - Foundations in Nursing

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Beginning course in nursing which emphasizes care of adult patients. Core content includes basic psychomotor skills, documentation, patient safety, and infection control in sub-acute and long-term healthcare settings.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to clinical nursing program; Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers certification; ZOOL 251 , ZOOL 352 ; MBIO 251 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 215 , NURS 222 
  • NURS 213L - Foundations in Nursing Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 215 - Pathophysiology

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Presents basic knowledge of pathophysiology as utilized and applied in current nursing practice. Selected major health problems and concepts are explored, including clinical manifestations and treatments.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to clinical nursing program; ZOOL 251 , ZOOL 352 ; MBIO 251 ; or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 213 , NURS 222 
  • NURS 222 - Professional Nursing I

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Focuses on professional role development in nursing. Content includes the profession of nursing and attributes of professionalism; healthcare competencies, including quality and safety education for nurses; and the healthcare delivery system. Also includes introduction to the UTM Department of Nursing philosophy, curricular framework, competencies, and program outcomes. Two hours seminar.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to clinical nursing program or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 213 , NURS 215 
  • NURS 225 - Pharmacology

    Credit(s): 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Examines classifications, uses, actions, and effects of major drug groups and nursing responsibilities for safe drug administration, including patient teaching. Includes drugs used for acute, chronic, and mental health care problems. The course also includes information for calculations needed to accurately figure factional dosages, equivalencies, safe dosages, and infusions as needed to safely implement medication administration for patients.

    Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to clinical nursing program; MATH 100  and MATH 110  or MATH 140  or higher level math course; or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 242 , NURS 250 
  • NURS 231L - Nursing Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 8
  • NURS 241L - Nursing Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
  • NURS 242 - Health Assessment

    Credit(s): 5
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Emphasizes concepts and skills of health assessment. Prepares the nurse to assess and analyze the physical and psychosocial status of adult patients. Includes interpretation and analysis of laboratory and diagnostic tests.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 213 ; or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 225 , NURS 250 
  • NURS 242L - Health Assessment Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
  • NURS 250 - Adult Health I

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Introduces prioritization of evidence-based care of adults with common acute and chronic health problems with predictable outcomes. Additional basic psychomotor skills are introduced. Care is provided in acute care settings.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 213 , NURS 215 , NURS 222 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 225 , NURS 242 , NURS 280
  • NURS 250L - Adult Health I Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 8
  • NURS 280-289 - Topics in Health Care [Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Group or individually planned topics or projects of concentrated studies in areas of need and interest. Pass/Fail
    May be taken for credit or Pass/Fail.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of nursing curriculum prior to specific topic level or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 305 - Adult Health II

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Emphasizes use of the nursing process for prioritization of evidenced based care of adults with acute and chronic health problems seen in acute care settings. Collaboration, teamwork in provision of patient-centered care will be utilized for health promotion and attaining optimal health outcomes. More complex psychomotor skills will build upon understanding presented in prior courses. Care is provided in a variety of healthcare settings. Students cannot use credit for both NURS 305 and NURS 351 toward graduation requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 225 , NURS 242 , NURS 250 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 342 .
  • NURS 305L - Adult Health II Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 312L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 313 - Health Assessment

    Credit(s): 5
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed. This course will be taught on demand each semester.

    The course for Registered Nurses expands on concepts and skills of health assessment introduced at the technical level. Provides the RN with a broader knowledge base required in baccalaureate nursing education. Prepares the nurse to assess and analyze the physical and psychosocial status of patients. Students cannot use credit for both NURS 242  and 313 toward graduation requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): Licensure as a Registered Nurse or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 313L - Health Assessment Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2
  • NURS 321L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 331L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 341L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 342 - Mental Health Nursing

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Emphasizes concepts and skills necessary to understand patients and families as they progress through life experiences, utilizing evidence based practice for promoting and restoring mental health across the lifespan while implementing therapeutic communication to assist them in meeting their mental health needs.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 225 , NURS 242  and NURS 250 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 305 , NURS 351 Transition to Professional Nursing
  • NURS 342L - Mental Health Nursing Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 350L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 351 - Transition to Professional Nursing

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 6
    When Offered: This course will be taught on demand each semester.

    A transition course for Registered Nurses taken in place of NURS 305 . Expands on nursing content introduced at the technical level to provide the RN with the broader knowledge base required in baccalaureate nursing education. Students cannot use credit for both NURS 351 and NURS 305  toward graduation requirements.

    Prerequisite(s): Licensure as a Registered Nurse or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 351L - Transition to Prof Nursing Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 352 - Evidence Based Practice

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Introduces students to evidence based practice (EBP) in nursing. Content includes review of the scientific process, introduction of the research process, and major research designs. Students will review and critique selected nursing research studies and develop an evidence based practice project. Emphasis is placed on the application of research studies to nursing practice.

    Prerequisite(s): MATH 210  and NURS 305 , NURS 342 ; or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 355 , NURS 363 
  • NURS 355 - Adult Health III

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Continues to emphasize use of the nursing process for prioritization of evidenced based care of adults with acute and chronic health problems seen in acute care settings. Collaboration, teamwork in provision of patient-centered care will be utilized for health promotion and attaining optimal health outcomes. More complex psychomotor skills will build upon understanding presented in prior courses. Care is provided in a variety of healthcare settings.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 305 , NURS 342 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 352 , NURS 363 
  • NURS 355L - Adult Health II Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 363 - Professional Nursing II

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Builds on the concepts introduced and developed in Professional Nursing I. The professional nursing role is explored further to gain a deeper understanding of additional concepts including technology/informatics and the utilization of healthcare resources.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 305 , NURS 342  or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 352 , NURS 355 
  • NURS 380-389 - Topics in Health Care [Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 1-3
    Lecture Hours: 1-3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Group or individually planned topics or projects of concentrated studies in areas of need and interest. Pass/Fail
    May be taken for credit or pass/fail.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of nursing curriculum prior to specific topic level or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 404L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 405 - Population Health

    Credit(s): 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Focuses on global health by examining the philosophy, strategies, and priorities of actions to promote equality in health worldwide. Students will use concepts of epidemiology, health disparities, vulnerable populations, community assessment, health program planning, and research to improve health care of groups and populations utilizing community health services in a variety of community settings.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 352 , NURS 355 , NURS 363 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 407  
  • NURS 405L - Population Health Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 407 - Maternal-Child Nursing

    Credit(s): 7
    Lecture Hours: 5
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Maternal-Child Nursing examines the normal developmental tasks and related health needs and issues of childbearing and childrearing. Emphasis is placed on the pathophysiologic and psychologic changes during the maternity cycle, neonatal, and childhood periods. Normal growth and development theories are applied to age appropriate care to the acutely and chronically ill child. Students use evidence-based practice to apply the nursing process in providing care to patients.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 352 , NURS 355 , NURS 363 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 405  
  • NURS 407L - Maternal-Child Nursing Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 4
  • NURS 411L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 412 - Adult Health IV

    Credit(s): 6
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Advanced course in nursing which emphasizes complex collaborative care of adult patients with emergent and multi-system health problems. Core content includes recognition and treatment of clinical deterioration, prevention of failure to rescue, and emergency triage in a variety of acute/critical care settings.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 405 , NURS 407  or 351; or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 443 , NURS 463 ; or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 412L - Adult Health IV Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 431L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 442L - Nursing Lab

  • NURS 443 - Leadership and Management (Professional Role Development)

    Credit(s): 5
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Facilitates the transition from student to the role of the professional nurse as a leader and manager in the delivery of health care. The course provides a strong emphasis on the development of leadership, including the organization, planning, staffing, managing change, responsibilities in delegation, and patient advocacy. Clinical goals include advanced progression of independence and confidence in nursing practice, implementing clinical decision making, and theoretical application of nursing leadership and management concepts.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 405 , NURS 407 .
    Corequisite(s): NURS 412 , NURS 463 ; or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 443L - Lead& Mgmt (Prof Role Dev) Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 6
  • NURS 463 - Professional Nursing III (Concept Synthesis)

    Credit(s): 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Students learn to comprehensively integrate theory and practice as they approach the completion of the nursing major and transition into the role of professional nurse. The focus is on integration of professional nursing skills and concepts developed throughout the nursing program in preparation for entry into practice. Four hours seminar.

    Prerequisite(s): NURS 405 , NURS 407 ; or instructor’s approval.
    Corequisite(s): NURS 412 , NURS 443 ; or instructor’s approval.
  • NURS 480-489 - Topics in Health Care [Topic Title]

    Credit(s): 1- 3
    Lecture Hours: 1- 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Group or individually planned topics or projects of concentrated studies in areas of need and interest. Pass/Fail
    May be taken for credit or pass/fail.

    Prerequisite(s): Completion of nursing curriculum prior to specific topic level or instructor’s approval.


  • NUTR 100 - Introductory Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Introduction to macro and micro nutrients, including their role in human nutrition and wellness. Nutrient needs of healthy individuals discussed. Legislation and regulation of U. S. food supply discussed, including impact of global interdependence of food availability.

  • NUTR 322 - Advanced Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Discussion of the biochemical functions of macro and micro nutrients in the study of human nutrition. Emphasis on digestion and absorption. Exploration of deficiencies and toxicities of macro and micro nutrients.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 140 ; CHEM 111 , CHEM 112 , or CHEM 121 , CHEM 122 ; and NUTR 100 , or instructor’s approval.
  • NUTR 400 - Preparation for the Registration Examination for Dietitians

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Lecture, study/review, and online practice tests. Must be in final semester of the dietetics concentration.

  • NUTR 414 - Sports Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As Needed

    Nutrition strategies for optimal performance across various sports throughout the lifespan for all levels of athlete from recreational to professional. Practical information for health and wellness of athletes from weight management and prevention of chronic diet related disease to working with those with eating disorders and diabetes. Dietary recommendations for vegetarian athletes and the latest research on dietary supplements.

    Prerequisite(s): NUTR 100 .
    Crosslisted With: NUTR 614
  • NUTR 415 - Professional Development

    Credit(s): 2
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    The dietetics profession and the development of practitioners. Laws, regulations and other factors affecting dietetics practice. Introduction to mentoring and precepting others. Taken during semester when FCS 497 Supervised Field Experience in Dietetics is scheduled.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 140 , CHEM 111  and CHEM 112 , NUTR 100 , NUTR 322 , NUTR 422 , and NUTR 433 . Student must be admitted to the dietetics concentration within the Department of Family and Consumer Science.
  • NUTR 422 - Lifespan Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall, Spring

    Nutrition needs of selected developmental stages including preconception, pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.

    Prerequisite(s): NUTR 100  CFS 100  and 8 hours of biology, chemistry, or zoology; or instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: NUTR 622
  • NUTR 433 - Nutrition in Disease

    Credit(s): 4
    Lecture Hours: 4
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Principles of nutrition applied in management of disease syndromes which may be influenced by diet. Emphasis on pathophysiology.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 140 , CHEM 111 , CHEM 112 , NUTR 100  and NUTR 322 ; or instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: NUTR 633
  • NUTR 443 - Community Nutrition

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Nutrition problems and services in the community. Government and industry sponsored programs. Applications of research methodology to socio-cultural and ethnic food consumption and trends in consumer issues.

    Prerequisite(s): NUTR 100 .
    Crosslisted With: NUTR 643
  • NUTR 450 - Seminar

    Credit(s): 1
    Lecture Hours: 1
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Guidance and instruction for successful navigation of the application process for graduate level supervised dietetics programs. Introduction to mentoring an precepting others and preparing for the registration exam.

  • NUTR 455 - Nutrition Assessment and Counseling

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall

    Components of nutrition assessment, theories and practice in nutrition counseling and cultural competence and sensitivity in working with patients. Also includes exercises in the development of critical thinking skills as they apply to nutrition issues. Students must be admitted to the dietetics concentration within the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.

    Prerequisite(s): NUTR 322 ; or instructor approval.
    Crosslisted With: NUTR 655
  • NUTR 475 - Medical Nutrition Therapy

    Credit(s): 5
    Lecture Hours: 5
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Spring

    Application of nutrition science in the management of disease syndromes which may be influenced by diet. Emphasis on nutrition assessment, diagnosis, intervention, monitoring and evaluation.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 140 , CHEM 111  and CHEM 112 , NUTR 100 , NUTR 322 , NUTR 422 , and NUTR 433 . Student must be admitted to the dietetics option within the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences.
  • NUTR 633 - Nutrition in Disease

    Credit(s): 4
    When Offered: Fall

    Principles of nutrition applied in management of disease syndromes which may be influenced by diet. Emphasis on pathophysiology.

    Prerequisite(s): BIOL 140 , CHEM 111  and CHEM 112 , NUTR 100  and NUTR 322 ; or instructor’s approval.
    Crosslisted With: (Same as NUTR 433 )

Park Administration

  • PARK 100 - Fundamentals of Park and Recreation Administration

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: As needed

    Historical development of recreation, leisure services and recreation resources. Philosophies of leisure, recreation and play. Survey of organized recreation delivery systems in public, non-profit, private and commercial settings. Career opportunities examined.

  • PARK 110 - Introduction to Park Management

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 3
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Odd

    Introduction to planning and organizing a park management program. Methods of maintaining and operating various park and recreation facilities in public and private settings. Includes design and scheduling personnel management and training preventive and/or corrective maintenance, law enforcement, vandalism control, fire protection, litter and garbage control.

  • PARK 200 - Recreation Leadership, Programming, and Interpretation

    Credit(s): 3
    Lecture Hours: 2
    Lab Hours: 0
    When Offered: Fall - Even

    Presentation of the concepts, principles, practices and potentials of effective leadership, programming, and interpretation in recreation activities. Techniques of leadership, programming, and interpretation for working with groups and individuals. Application of these techniques to given situations.

  • PARK 200L - Park Admin Lab

    Credit(s): 0
    Lecture Hours: 0
    Lab Hours: 2

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